Looking for a beta

Jan 25, 2009 12:41

Hi! I am looking for a beta for some of my X-men Rogan FF's.

I have one angst In progress and another angst plot bunny in line waiting for me to finish my current WIP's.


beta request

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Comments 5

meg1990 January 25 2009, 21:21:11 UTC
I forgot to mention; I write mainly rated PG13-R fics


dutchxfan January 25 2009, 21:34:17 UTC
I'd love to help you, but I'm beta-ing for 2 people already, and I have quite a busy schedule myself. I'm sorry. I hope someone else will be willing to help out. A good beta can make such a difference.

Maybe you can explain why you need one. Like, do you need grammar-help? Or maybe character-related? Every beta has their own skill. It's important to know.



meg1990 January 25 2009, 21:57:38 UTC
Ohh. I didn't even think of listing why I need one. Thanks!

I tend to miss things when I write. I will get in a writing kick and write a couple of pages, Then when I go back over it I will not see that the sentence doesn't flow right or that I used the wrong punctuation. Things like that are why I need a beta.


missmarie9 January 26 2009, 01:14:06 UTC
I have some free time on my hands, since I'm currently suffering from writer's block. I haven't had very much experience with beta-ing, but I'm very good with editing and keeping honest with other writers. And since I'm in college, I have flexible hours.

If you're interested, I'm interested.


meg1990 January 26 2009, 02:25:35 UTC
Cool. I am sending you a message through LJ now. :) Thanks!


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