Complete and total apathy is now what I preach. Tell me about what he said or she said, and I'll smile, thinking to myself, "I pity you just a slight bit, but I do not care." Yes, apathy.
Politics and those I love, however, are still passions I hold dear.
The mullet is gone and I am glad.
Sep 16, 2004 02:03
I have a good friend who believes, gloomily, bitterly, resignedly, that not only are we in for four more years of painful and cheerless BushCo-branded tyranny and misprision and aww-shucks dumb-guy shtick, but also that we are actually at the beginning of a long, brutal, fear-based Republican juggernaut that will last a good 16 more years, at least
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Sep 13, 2004 23:52
I really hate the kind of Mexicans that rear end the Car Car and then drive off to do stupid Mexican things, like stealing some bike tires, for instance. I also really hate the Car Car's radiator and it's refusal to radiate. Car Car is getting fixed
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Aug 19, 2004 04:49
There is a war between The United Kingdom and The United States. Your choice in sides depends solely on this 5 question test. Whose side are you on? *side note* I made this hard, even for me, so no halfzies. Indecisiveness makes me MADDD
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Aug 08, 2004 04:42
New hair: Think Keifer Sutherland in Lost Boys. You'll have a good idea.
Also, I got my ears pierced.
I am a new Ryan. It only cost me, well, nothing. I got everything for free.
Jul 26, 2004 00:19
I won a free massage for selling the most in retail on saturday.
I'm tired of drinking.
I'm tired of drinking every single night.
I do not enjoy smoking anymore.
I have a girlfriend.
My back hurts, alot. It's a good thing I am getting a hot stone massage on tuesday.
Nikki and I need to get serious. Infante will blow everything away.