Her: I was worried you were one of those religious nuts.
Me: I am one of those religious nuts.
Been busy trying to get my life in order. More craziness that I'll tell you, as I always do, in due time.
Saw Heartgirl and I had a long discussion about our beliefs. It's bothersome that all people know of my religion're the shrill caricatures.
She met somea my first-tier friends. We've all got our first-tierers and our second-stringers - sorta like our
front-runners and back-burners, yeah? They gave her the thumbs up over some watermelon soju down by St. Marks. Caught the first snowfall of the season as we walked past Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick to
Katsmw's for some red, red wine fore heading home. Katsmw, like Heartgirl, loves sports while her husband and I don't watch any sports. The two shared more than that in common but those're their stories and not mine.
Sunday she and I caught brunch around the way where she somehow lost her copy of Vogue. Losing a copy of Vogue's like losing a ten-pound weight; they just don't disappear. On the way back, I was holding a copy of the Sunday Times out when a bird pooped on it. We both couldn't stop laughing and almost collapsed on the street.
Told her that a bird pooping on you's good luck so I bought an instant win lottery card for a $1 and won...$1. Of course.
Sometimes, wonder about my role in her life. Suppose time will tell. I don't try to hide who/what I am: a nerdy, religious nut that plays/watches no sports (that don't involve one-on-one violence), talks a lot with his hands, and is overly concerned with rum, trivia, quotes, stories, gadgets, nice clothes, and minutia.
It's 2009 soon. I'd like some win, please. Some real win, espankyuverymuch...
It`s up to you All I can do, i`ve done But mem`ries won`t go YASYCTAI: It's cold. Did you
donate those clothes? (60 mins/2 pts)