spaceshipmonkey shared with us some scans from a book that I am still astonished exists - "Die Spieler" with photography by Ellen von Unwerth. In how many fandoms do you get a 200 page book full of glossy, gorgeous photos of your boys dressed up in period clothing? Not many! I went looking for information about it and found the
Strenesse website about the book. And there were several more photos! Yay! So I screencapped them and I'm going to share them with you here. Includes Baaaasti, Podolski, Klose, Müller, Trochowski, Jansen, and others. :)
This is the background of the website and nowww my desktop. Damn boy can wear a hat! And a smile. :D
I hope there are a million more like this in the book. WET BASTI! :D Can someone tell me who the one in front is? Some of these faces are so unfamiliar to me because so many got injured right before the WC... kind of surreal. (Sorry about the white thing in the corners - that's just from the layout of the page and I couldn't save the images themselves.)
Lol accordion! Lol Per your face! Lol Mario and a pepper shaker! Lol Özil! Lots of lolz. :D
Mmm, those eyes.
TINY TROCHOWSKI. I'm kind of super fond of him, ngl. ALSO HANSI, HAHAHA. And the second one from the left looks EXACTLY like Ben McKenzie from The OC, it's kinda freakin me out.
Unffff. Who's the dude on the left? Man I sound like such a noob.
Don't hit me Micha, I promise I'll be good!
Piotr your face! I see right through that innocent facade young man. :P
The end.
The only problem is that this book is daaamn expensive, and you can only order it from Europe, which means that with shipping it's OBSCENELY expensive for Americans like moi and others. I know some people have bought it though, and I can't deny that I seriously considered it. Right now I can't really justify the expense - I think I might ask for it for my birthday. But I wanted to toss an idea out there - what if we were to set up a sharing system? A small set of people in the same country chip in money for a copy, and the copy gets passed around so that everyone can drool on ogle it. One person contributes more money and they get to keep it in the end. Is there any support for that idea at all? I was just trying to come up with ways I could potentially get this in my hands, because hot damn.