Fic: On the Unintended Consequences of Furycrafting and Unaddressed Personal Issues (Codex Alera)

Nov 09, 2009 10:13

Title: On the Unintended Consequences of Furycrafting and Unaddressed Personal Issues
Fandom: Codex Alera
Characters/Pairing: Max/Crassus
Word Count: 2378
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, M/M Slash, Incest, M/F/M Threesome
Summary: Crassus has always wanted Max's attention
Notes: Written for t_lyrical for the alera_ficathon. As most of you probably ( Read more... )

fic, codex alera

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Comments 10

hamsterwoman November 9 2009, 19:24:47 UTC
Love this! :D Max has been a favorite of mine ever since he was introduced, and Crassus has really grown on me over/since Captain's Fury, and I love their dynamics in the books -- and how this fic reads as a very plausible and sweet but complex extension of those dynamics. The brotherhood, the past, all the additional complications -- awesome! And I just love your Crassus in general -- he feels very true to what we see of him in the books.


lodessa November 9 2009, 19:43:00 UTC
Yay! I am so glad you enjoyed since writing this was quite a plunge for me.

I do really love both characters (it would be hard not to love Max) and yes, the complicated issues related to their messed up family dynamic.

Messed up families lead to incest is apparently my forte (Blackcest [specifically Sirius/Bellatrix] was my HP niche).

Using Crassus as opposed to Max's POV seemed like a risk since we've seen less of him, but I'm glad he read well to you. I just love how Crassus is this great noble guy but also very young without being at all a child (somehow more so that Tavi in Cursor's Fury and Captain's Fury)


hamsterwoman November 9 2009, 19:54:54 UTC
Max is ridiculously lovable, but I think Crassus may have actually bypassed him as my favorite, because of those reasons you mention -- he just tries so hard, and is so young, but also a force to be reckoned with. I love characters like that!

There's a moment in Captain's Fury when Max is wounded and Marcus literally slaps Crassus for "mooning" over him. I've thought Max and Crassus were excellent candidates for brothercest ever since :)

And you've actually crystallized something for me, because whether or not an incest fic works for me (or an incest pairing suggests itself) really depends on whether or not the larger family is totally messed up. Blackcest? Sure. Canon Lannistercest? Yep. Chronicles of Amber (where there is admittedly not much else to ship) -- totally! But, even, like, Simon/River doesn't work for me -- it's not enough that River is unbalanced, the whole family has to be.


lodessa November 9 2009, 20:02:20 UTC
I love how they are mirrors and foils for each other. Because they are made from the same base material of awesome but shaped differently by experience or lack thereof.

They are my first brothercest pairing :) (usually I do het sibcest).

That makes sense to me. Which is my I shipped Duncan/Lilly in Veronica Mars in addition to Blackcest and Simon/River... which does work for me because I do see the family as dysfunctional as a whole. I always read daddy Tam as emotionally (and possibly physically) abusive. I think with all the pressure to always seem perfect to outsiders and distant parents it makes sense that the kids would internalize into each other. And Simon just seems ridiculously co-dependent.


die_monster November 10 2009, 00:41:23 UTC
Holy crap Alera fic. Whoa. Whoa. Very nifty to see someone writing for a pretty obscure fandom, and good fic as well. BTW, if you ever want a beta...I'm always open.


lodessa November 10 2009, 18:23:18 UTC
Thanks. It was actually for a fic exchange (alera_ficathon) so somebody else got the ball rolling on this one. (If I'd been writing spontaneously it would probably have been me forcing Isana to deal with whatever weird issues of ownership of Bernard she has which make her resent Amara) But I do enjoy writing in random fandoms, especially book fandoms.

I will definitely take you up on the beta thing, this one certainly could have used one but was already late so I failed at taking that step.


die_monster November 10 2009, 20:49:13 UTC
oh man, I didn't know such a thing existed. Now i need to reread the books...

and yeah, feel free! I'm an unemployed linguist, what else can I be doing that's constructive?


lodessa November 10 2009, 22:04:16 UTC
This was a first for the fandom. I just saw it advertised in a Dresden Files community by chance.

Also the new one is coming out in a few weeks (YAY).

Aww. Well it's very much appreciated. As I've jumped from fandom to fandom I've lost most of my beta options.


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