Title: Maybe, That First Time Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Characters/Pairings: John Connor, Kyle/Allison, Derek Rating: General Word Count: 1196 Notes: Written for
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Aw, I love it, guy! I have been playing with the idea of Derek going back instead of Kyle a lot, but sending Kyle and Allison to build the bank is icing on the awesomeness cake.
He hugs Derek goodbye, like a father and a son and a brother.
John sending Derek back to be his dad was one of those things that just sort of made itself happen. I like to think he gave Derek some advice on how to, you know, not die in the process.
Okay, I really loved it! I wasn't sure I would, little interest as I have in the Reeses, but it was pretty amazing, especially the writing oneself out of the story idea. I loved the ideas and the way in which John refers to his mother. Awesome!
Awww, this fic is so awesome! I rarely read TSCC fic, but this one was just a pure pleasure ;)
I loved John's thoughts about his mother and the fact that he decided to send Derek instead of Kyle, even if it was going to ruin his future/present/who the hell knows that. ;D
Comments 15
He hugs Derek goodbye, like a father and a son and a brother.
Of course, John had to save Allison, even though it means he can never have Cameron. That's what being a hero is all about, right.
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John sending Derek back to be his dad was one of those things that just sort of made itself happen. I like to think he gave Derek some advice on how to, you know, not die in the process.
Oh dear. John may have messed the past/present/future up so much that he's not going to recognize himself in the mirror :D
Thank you, I enjoyed it a lot.
I am glad you enjoyed my exploiting that fact.
I loved John's thoughts about his mother and the fact that he decided to send Derek instead of Kyle, even if it was going to ruin his future/present/who the hell knows that. ;D
V. nice fic :)
This was my first fic for the fandom and it just sort of wrote itself once I got started. I was surprised to find how strongly I felt John's POV.
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