Fic: Dollhouse/AtS Crossover

Mar 24, 2009 01:08

Title: Additional Dimensions
Fandom: Crossover - Dollhouse/AtS
Characters/Pairings: Adelle DeWitt, Wes/Lilah, Illyria, mentions of other characters from both shows.
Word Count: 1,115
Rating: General
Summary: My take on who the inside source might be, and a way that Dollhouse fits together with Angel the Series.

Sometimes Adelle DeWitt, suspected that this dimension really wasn't any less hell-like than the one she'd grown up in. )

ats, crossovers, fic, dollhouse

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Comments 7

derevko_child April 27 2009, 05:42:06 UTC
I can totally see Adelle as Wes and Lilah's daughter.
It took me a few minutes to figure out what form Illyria took. And Adelle doesn't know the story behind Illyria/Fred and Wes.
Wait, Caroline is the slayer?



lodessa April 27 2009, 19:01:04 UTC
Thanks. When the show first started and I wasn't totally sure about it, Adelle being reminiscent of Lilah was something I latched on to. I was talking about it with a friend and one of us pointed out "except British" and this parentage for her just popped into our heads like it was meant to be.

Yeah, I don't think Wes would share that information with his daughter, although Lilah probably would have if she'd thought of it.

Yeah, working Caroline/Faith into it was a sort of last minute decision while writing, but if Dr. Saunders is really Illyria then I felt the whole actor issue couldn't be ignored. I think that Faith was rewritten as Caroline as a sort of treatment/reward for her struggles, but that her rebel nature surfaced too strongly and she had to be wiped and given to the Dollhouse. My figuring is that is possibly bigger than Faith now and the new watcher's council is using the Dollhouses to deal with emotionally scarred or gone bad slayers.

Wow, long reply, hope I didn't talk your ear off too much.


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lodessa April 27 2009, 19:01:46 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


scornedsaint April 28 2009, 02:45:13 UTC
Ooh. Creepy and wonderful and makes so much sense.


lodessa April 29 2009, 07:36:19 UTC
Thanks. Glad it worked.


dariclone April 28 2009, 23:52:57 UTC
Ooh, I love this so much. At first I couldn't figure out how Adelle fit into the Angel world, but making her Lilah and Wesley's child from a hell dimension? Genius! And Illyeria as a nanny? No wonder she's so vindective!


lodessa April 29 2009, 07:37:39 UTC
Thanks. I figure that, in a hell dimension, the bodyguard factor outweighs child development considerations in picking a babysitter.


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