In Review

Jan 18, 2008 11:30

So I had this idea where I was going to link and talk a little about fics I had written in the month of January in past years. Except when I went to look I discovered that I don't really post fic in January. In total there are only 2 in the last 4 Januaries (one of which was this year and was originally posted in a ficathon in December so it almost doesn't count). In light of this I almost decided to abandon the project, but since I will want to do it in other months I figured I'd press on.

Title: On the Quieting of Ghosts
Posted: January 11th, 2005
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall
Word Count: 429
Rating: PG
Notes: This was originally intended to be ship!fic but ended up being a little reflection piece about how both of them see teaching, learning, and class time and the way that their own fears and the ghosts of the past effect that. I still really want to write them as a pairing, but I have never come any closer than this gen ficlet, sadly. Maybe this year.

Title: On the Shadow
Posted: January 3rd, 2008
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Pairing: Jaime/Brienne
Word Count: 3,165
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for sophia_helix during the asoiaf_echange Winter 2007 session. This assignment was a great excuse to finally write the dear ship. My original plan was something much longer and plot filled, but it was not really very suited to my skills and I didn't have the time to muck through it. So I tried to cut to the chase and imply what came before and after but focus mostly of the moment of change. I'm mostly pleased with the setting/mood.

my ocd tendancies

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