Reese's-- because they fit together so well.
224. December 14, 2010 (tues.)
Go get caressed by your heavy clothes
Dressed? i don't mind erranding
So much errant knight
And the heavy body armor
On chess pieces? What does it cost
To mail? The green felt bottoms
The annual detour en route
To picking a tree by a cliff-side
"I thought Bacon Street came
Right after High Street, or was that Church?"
We all nod at the light show, Hello
Handsome! Goat kids born on the 7th
Tree is perfect to perch the angel
Mr. Hanky and soft blue bird familiar
The fir tree fragrant for a few weeks
As its branches gradually lower--
Lose their festivities, stiffies
1 (a mo. !!! behind on archives, 'pologies poetesss.tumblr readers, a holiday catch-up gift will be here soons)