August 13, 2010 (fri.)
Midnight after Nick's
Fist-shaking Shelbyvillians
Rain back to water
-town, dueling tinies
To the Crag's orbital pull
Captured by latches
Rye-- rye makes me sleep
Curled, clutching dumbly 'round phone
Lushing sometimes suits
My dreams of Venice
The fake one in Las Vegas
Sometimes suits rye me
i dreamt the show had simply gone on
Long into the night, crashing TV sets
Theatrical doors
With non-functioning locks
going homeport DC tomorrow through mon. night (back in time for TOYStime!), i plan (if i don't sleepwalk through Logan, that is) to spend my time at the aeroport finishing my faux fauxku for you. ok, check you hep cats later.