"Not even a proper goodbye, big brother?" Valentine called from the doorway. "I might choose to up and leave in the dark of the night, you know, and then you'll never get the chance again
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Congratulations, Peter typed back, Your first rat-killing. Did it breathe fire? Did you have to hide behind a shield and then charge at it with your sword?
Only when you have shitty parents who don't believe you when you tell them you'll probably get eaten by zombies.
So Peter's probably counted. For now.
Ben's ex -- cousin, Topher, COUSIN -- got stuck in a McDonald's play area in Japan, a leprechaun village, and like ten other scary places over the course of like three days.
Funny, Peter wrote, a little nonplussed, and privately decided he'd have to check the Fandom High Alumni twitters more often. I got one portal straight here from North Carolina.
Comments 92
Yes, Peter. Kenzi was just as traumatized as Topher was on that topic.
Somehow, Peter had expected something a little more dramatic.
Kenzi made a face at Peter being blase'. We killed it though.
It had been a concern.
It was an honest question.
So Peter's probably counted. For now.
Ben's ex -- cousin, Topher, COUSIN -- got stuck in a McDonald's play area in Japan, a leprechaun village, and like ten other scary places over the course of like three days.
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