"We'd know if we were vampires, right?" = the best line of dialogue in the episode, and possibly in the whole season so far.
I have been alternating between being very disappointed at the episodes and feeling "meh" about them. This was a "meh" one for me -- definitely some things to like (plotting sheep, the bit with the sandwiches), but the whole get-chased-around-caves-by-killer-moths bit was tedious and superfluous. I really wish they had dumped that whole section and instead spent the time on exploring just what it means to be a conscious universe, anyway. Plus the whole "this must be the Solitract" revelation was a huge mental leap / infodump that came out of nowhere. It would have been much better if we had been led up to it by spending more time there.
Also agree with you about the absence of Ryan when Graham faces Solitract-Grace. Missed opportunity, which sums up a lot of this season for me.
This hasn't been a terrible season, but the meh episodes certainly outnumber the great episodes. Chibnall definitely played it safe. Maybe season 12 will be a bit different now that everything is established and any new viewers have gotten their bearings.
Comments 3
"We'd know if we were vampires, right?" = the best line of dialogue in the episode, and possibly in the whole season so far.
I have been alternating between being very disappointed at the episodes and feeling "meh" about them. This was a "meh" one for me -- definitely some things to like (plotting sheep, the bit with the sandwiches), but the whole get-chased-around-caves-by-killer-moths bit was tedious and superfluous. I really wish they had dumped that whole section and instead spent the time on exploring just what it means to be a conscious universe, anyway. Plus the whole "this must be the Solitract" revelation was a huge mental leap / infodump that came out of nowhere. It would have been much better if we had been led up to it by spending more time there.
Also agree with you about the absence of Ryan when Graham faces Solitract-Grace. Missed opportunity, which sums up a lot of this season for me.
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