Apr 17, 2014 02:12

[ How's My Driving? ]

Please drop me a line and let me know how I'm doing! I'm always trying to get better, so please help me improve by giving constructive criticism, especially. Constructive criticism will give me direction and an idea of how to improve my character. Thanks so much for your time, guys!

The following's a list of questions to help anyone gracious and generous enough to give me any amount of their time. It's incredibly appreciated and I really, really thank you. To those who don't critique, I thank you anyway, and hope I can give you a great experience playing with me!

[Possible areas of critiques:]
1. Voice - does it sound like Sora? Can you hear his voice when I play? How can I make him sound more accurate?
2. Characterization - Does he act like Sora? Has he done anything unusual that doesn't seem Sora-like? What do you feel was the more 'IC action or thought'? Why? Examples and discussion are incredibly encouraged - even in anon.
3. Motivations - Do I have his priorities straight? What should be important to him that I'm not covering?
4. Canon - Have I gotten some game facts wrong? Is Sora strong enough? Am I making him TOO strong? Is there an interpretation or headcanon of Sora you think is out of place? In what way would it be more appropriate to Sora's character.
5. Technical - How's my grammar? 
6. Storytelling - Do I make things interesting for you as an RPer? Do I put enough thought into posts? How are the plots Sora is involved in? How can I make them more interesting for you?  How can I make your character feel important when we play? How can I help your character play out his or her plots? How can I help your character have their time in the spotlight? Am I giving you enough to respond to with each post? Have I ever made a post that just 'turned you off'? Why?
7. Player Etiquette - Am I breaking any rules? Making inappropriate comments? Am I making you feel welcome? Am I easy or hard to plot and or work with? Am I easy to approach? Am I god-moding?  Are you having a positive experience overall? Am I tagging enough outside of my fandom?

Again, thanks so much for your time! Please don't be afraid to leave me feedback.

Anon is on. Comments screened, and my replies can be screened if requested.

*ooc: hmd

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