something to ponder.

Feb 27, 2009 09:23

hey hey hey look! Once again I have done my old trick of, not only writing fic when I don't have TIME to be writing fic, oh no, but also, not even working on the thing I should be working on. You officially have to do a special kind of course to actually be as rubbish as I am.

Title: So Soon Grow Cold
Fandom: Being Human
Summary: Back-story, ( Read more... )

fic, being human

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Comments 51

lozenger8 February 27 2009, 11:13:03 UTC
Oh, this is excellent, but you knew that. I love the backstory, and the tone, and George's little section, and Annie's, and the feeling of well, fullness.


lo0o0ony_lauren February 27 2009, 18:07:05 UTC
Eeeeeeee, thank you! You know I love your writing, so this comment really means a lot. <3


(The comment has been removed)

lo0o0ony_lauren February 27 2009, 18:07:57 UTC
Hurray! Cheers very much. If I can distract but one person from doing something important, I've achieved my day's objective. :D


moogle62 February 27 2009, 12:12:19 UTC

I just - I wasn't expecting this to pop up on my flist and I had to stop eating and read this instead.

- "Hmm," Mitchell replied, pulling a face that was a bit pensive but mostly just very awkward. It was fairly soon after this that George decided not to ask Mitchell about his past, ever, unless it was a memory that was unlikely to make him make that face. - I can just picture this. Nnngh, Mitchell and his face.

- George resisted asking exactly how Mitchell had become such a notable vampire that he’d accumulated hangers-on, mainly via the medium of taking a drink and not letting his mouth do any more talking - I love this; that the only way George is able to not ask the question is to physically make his mouth do something else instead, phnng, so like him.

- Once, in the late nineteen-thirties, Mitchell expressed to Herrick his shock that mankind could be so abominably stupid - so stupid, in fact, that the generation of young men he himself had been sent to hell and back with could grow up, get old and fat and forget ( ... )


moogle62 February 27 2009, 12:13:44 UTC
- Mitchell glanced over her shoulder as they got chatting, looking at Herrick all the while, who was watching him from the far wall. Their eyes met every time the crowd parted enough for them to see each other, although people occupied every inch of the dance floor between them, busy doing the watusi or the twist or whatever was in vogue now and, God, keeping up was really getting to be a hideous bore. They’d been pining for the twenties recently, anyway, he and Herrick - like old men missing their youth. - THIS. akjsbjbshsbvhbsfj Just that sense of them growing old together without actually aging, and that weird relationship between them, that fear and need at the same time, and basically I love you, and this, and you again.

- They left the city that night, travelling to stay with some friends of hers who lived in Brighton and wouldn’t judge - neither of them had so much as a change of clothes with them, and she had to be at work on Monday morning, theoretically, but Mitchell was needling her to leave her job by the time they were ( ... )


moogle62 February 27 2009, 12:13:59 UTC

- A pale, dark-haired gentleman was sat at the head desk, writing something down; Mitchell realised about this time that he hadn’t entirely thought his great plan through. - I did a little spack here. A very big little spack.

- "Jesus fucking Christ," said Mitchell, quite fairly. - as did this, because, I love 'quite fairly' after than sentence, and, and, okay, ajdnfkjadbjkabv.


- He’d always had a suspicion that he might be the messy one, but now he knew for sure. - SPLAAAAAARGH. This is basically the only reaction I could form to that, but it is an exact replica of the noise in my head. Ack, just their living habits merging into one so that Mitchell can't tell one way from the other made me go all wibbly and wrong.

- That Herrick had had no option but to find and bite and change legions of people, to build up his own little domain and pretty much take over an entire fucking building just to fill the space that Mitchell occupied. It was a terrifying, horrible realisation. - OH ( ... )


lo0o0ony_lauren February 27 2009, 18:20:59 UTC
jtnhklrnkhkltrnjhtr you already know how special these comments sent me, because not only have I told you but, er, I think my voice went all high and excited when I was saying it, which is a sign of true joy. But ANYWAY.

Aside from thanking you endlessly (seriously, cannot, CANNOT thank you enough kjrngr), there are two things I wasnt to address:
AHAHA WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I TOLD YOU IT WAS A DELIBERATE REFERENCE? LOL LOL FREAKING LOL. I went to see the stage show of it (again) on Wednesday, and cried like a bit old twat again, and then it was all in my head when I was writing this and and and. I just put it in to make myself lol, but clearly we are ~psychically linked~
-SENTIMENTAL HERRICK AND MITCHELL, OH, IN THEIR OWN CREEPY WAYS THEY DO NEED EACH OTHER.I think I should just use this as the freaking summary, lololol, you have genuinely boiled all four and a half thousand words down into one entirely correct and effective sentence ( ... )


foreverdirt February 27 2009, 12:38:09 UTC
This is gorgeous, and properly creepy, and rich, and full, oh, as painfully, wonderfully, horribly tangled and real as the show is at its very best.


lo0o0ony_lauren February 27 2009, 18:24:00 UTC
rknekrngr, thank you so, so much; I'm ever so pleased that you liked this. Also, creepy: it's what I aim for. :D

Oh, and for what it's worth, in response to your other comment - hello to you, too! ♥


strangeumbrella February 27 2009, 13:31:12 UTC
READ THIS THROUGH AGAIN AND STILL LOVE IT :DDDDDDD I totally missed Mitchell saying he was home in the two different places, oh Mitchell, you and your ~conflicts~. <333333


lo0o0ony_lauren February 27 2009, 18:26:58 UTC

oh Mitchell; on the one hand, deep and conflicted and pensive. On the other hand, he needs a wee.


strangeumbrella February 27 2009, 20:36:06 UTC


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