Sexism is alive and well on TV

Aug 26, 2012 20:14

One of the good things about watching Breaking Bad and Burn Notice is the networks have deemed them "guy shows" and the commercials reflect that. Car, beer and computer/video games comprize the majority of the ads shown. It's a nice break from having to see health and beauty ads where the companies are basically telling us we're not pretty enough ( Read more... )

ads, personal, sports, tv

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Comments 2

ninja007 August 27 2012, 04:04:16 UTC
There are those who've been broadcasting "manly" shows for a while now. They don't see anything wrong with their sexism, but I do. Spike tv station is one of them. I don't and won't watch them...


lmichelle599 August 27 2012, 22:24:25 UTC

There are many female football fans, so why not advertise tampons during football games instead of beer and Doritos?


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