Title: Quiet Beauty Author: lillianmorgan Setting: pre Inside Out, AtS Season 4 Rating: G Summary: Who does Connor dream of? Disclaimer: I don’t own Joss’ and ME’s toys. Originally posted November 19th, 2005. For kittyzams. ( Quiet Beauty )
Sad.... Never thought I'd say "poor Darla", bu that's how it makes me feel. And I've never felt sympathy for Connor, but you made me feel it now. We don't think very much about how Connor would feel about his mother, yet it's very worthy of consideration.
Thanks so much for your insightful comment. I'm afraid I rather think too much about Connor and his relationship with his mother and all the 'what if's. ;) I'm really happy that you felt some sympathy for characters you might not have, that's really cool.
Aww, just dropping by to tell you again how much I loved this, and also you. You are such a sweetie and I remember this really cheering me up and bringing a tear to my eye at your thoughtfulness. You are the best! *hugs*
Thank you. I loved writing this, even though we were both in some woe at the time. Or, still are..? Well, at least it brought some enjoyment and some cheering. Yay for that! :) And it was no problem because you deserve it ::hugs back::
Comments 6
This was just lovely!
This is really good, Lillan.
And it was no problem because you deserve it ::hugs back::
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