
Jul 25, 2015 21:07

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Comments 21

bangdrum September 24 2008, 23:29:00 UTC
Hi there. Saw you in law_students. Me also law_student. Also looks like we have things in common. Friend back? :)


llyfrgell September 25 2008, 12:24:39 UTC
I approve of law student language bearing a strong resemblance to caveman-speak. :-)

Hi and welcome, Brooklyn person! (I must now remember not to say rude things about some of the Brooklyn people at my externship...)


bangdrum September 25 2008, 12:32:53 UTC
Heh, I'm technically not a "Brooklyn person." Well, only as far as school. I live in Queens. Never mind the obsession with Marty Markowitz - I mean, do you even KNOW who the BP of Queens is? I just know because she spoke at my high school graduation (messing up and thinking it was college) that it's Helen Marshall, but I know NOTHING she's ever done. Marty has commercials that are the greatest things in the world. No competition there.

And thank you for the welcome! :)


smthngnbtwn October 9 2008, 12:31:30 UTC
HI! I'm sorry I neglected to leave a comment on your sticky. And wasn't that concert just brilliant Monday night? I've been listening to the songs non-stop since then.


llyfrgell October 9 2008, 15:44:24 UTC
Haha, don't worry about it. I don't know why it took me this long to realize that the whole policy was to avoid friending people I'd never seen before and thus shouldn't apply to people I HAD seen before. I am not always the brightest crayon in the box. :-P

You only went to the South Africa concert, right? Or were you at the Tom Kitt one too?


smthngnbtwn October 9 2008, 19:26:42 UTC
I'll forgive you this time. :) And yeah. I couldn't stay out too late because I had supervision at 9am on Tuesday and I live in Brighton Beach.. so it wasn't too appealing to have a long subway ride home when I'll just hear it from my wonderfully recording-device-gifted friends a few days later. It sounds horrible, but we have to make sacrifices somewhere.


pinkykay December 3 2008, 23:07:30 UTC
Hi! I see you around the Julia Murney Community and apparently you ended up in one of my pictures of the JOe;s pub concert. I don't update my lj much but i do have a blog here: Could you add me?


llyfrgell December 4 2008, 07:43:36 UTC
I also borrowed your sharpie at the Joe's Pub concert. ;-) I've seen your blog pop on Google alerts before - it's cool! Added.


pinkykay December 4 2008, 19:43:07 UTC
Oh so that was you! Nice to meet you :)


clarice January 24 2009, 20:00:31 UTC
Hey, I saw you law_students. I am also an unemployed 2L with a cat who likes Battlestar Galactica (I like BSG, not the cat. Can't speak for him). Mind if I friended you?


llyfrgell January 25 2009, 04:41:15 UTC
You go to UChicago! (Er, not being creepy - I read your profile.) I almost went there for undergrad and still wish I had.

My LJ is about 25% ranting about unemployment, 10% talking about cats, and the remaining 65% fangirling Broadway shows/performers, so if that sounds like something you can put up with (excuse the grammar, I am not Churchill), excellent! Friends it is.


clarice January 25 2009, 07:51:26 UTC
Yup, I'm a recent(ish) Midwest transplant, though both my parents went to IU for undergrad and grad. My family is full of midwesterners who all finally escaped to California and think I'm a little bit crazy for moving back. I'm a dorkrocket and I loved the university, though.

My journal is 99% my daily inanities (with 1%, I suppose, fandom), but I enjoy benign voyeurism [with permission] of other people's lives and interests. What kind of work are you looking to get into?


quotefactory April 24 2009, 01:04:45 UTC
Hi. I ran across your west wing fic for lgbtfest last year, and I thought I should look at the journal of someone else who's favourite character on the west wing was Ainsley Hayes. Then I saw that Elphaba was on your friends-only banner. So I thought we should be friends.


llyfrgell April 25 2009, 15:23:27 UTC
Hi! Anyone who's a fan of Ainsley and Elphaba is welcome here - as long as you don't mind fairly sporadic posting and a considerable amount of flailing about musical theatre. :-)


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