Xellos's Success Rate

Mar 17, 2012 20:08

The data collected so far is as follows. Within the scope of all the fanfiction I have written so far involving Xellos (Summer Nights oneshots counting as individual stories) we can make certain distinctions that may function as indications for future fanfiction to predict Xellos's success rate... by which, of course, I mean his success rate at getting laid.

In the course of all my fanfiction, Xellos only has a 14% success rate. This number decreases to 8% when only shorter fics (less than 20,000 words) are considered. However, in longer fics (more than 20,000 words) that rate increases dramatically to 60%.

The result is clear. The longer the fic, the more time Xellos has to annoy his way into Filia's pants.

See? Math can be fun.


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