Title: Mango-flavored kisses Pairings/characters: Tamamori Yuta/Miyata Toshiya Rating: R Warnings: none Summary: Tamamori and Miyata get drunk at karaoke and make out, what happens when they're sober again? Words: 3122
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I love it when Tamamori is the one longing to be with Miyata, especially when he doesn't realize it himself at first. xD
It's all so Tamamori. He does something and then he thinks but he isn't sure what he is thinking. He explain the feeling of a kiss with only the physical parts and Gaya is like "... okay but not that" lmao. How he needs to figure out if it was just the alcohol (even though he probably realizes that it's not the case for him). How he changes them around at the end so he gets to be comfy on top. Aww ♥
“Tama,” Miyata said with a small smile on his face,”In what world would I not want to?” ;__; ♥
Comments 6
It's all so Tamamori. He does something and then he thinks but he isn't sure what he is thinking. He explain the feeling of a kiss with only the physical parts and Gaya is like "... okay but not that" lmao. How he needs to figure out if it was just the alcohol (even though he probably realizes that it's not the case for him). How he changes them around at the end so he gets to be comfy on top. Aww ♥
“Tama,” Miyata said with a small smile on his face,”In what world would I not want to?” ;__; ♥
Otp is otp. I approve. :D
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