Topic 1 - Endeavour

Jul 24, 2009 07:00

   Hello! It is time for our first prompt!

Being as this is the very first prompt of this exciting new endeavour, I thought the prompt should be something related, like said... endeavour.

So that's your prompt, the word "endeavour."

You are to post two photos for this prompt, one taken in the ensuing week, and one taken any time from six months previous to this to a week from now.

You are free to clean them up in photoshop or what have you, but if you've clearly gone overboard, people are certainly free to consider that in the polls.

Post the photos either in an entry which you link to from a comment to this entry, or directly in a comment to this entry. Please also note what kind of camera you are using and your relative experience as a photographer, and feel free to otherwise introduce yourself.

Deadline for submission is one week from now (7am PST Friday 07/31). Anyone who gets a submission in by that deadline will be considered a participant this season.

If I had any aptitude for such things I'd write "LJ Shoot Out!!" across this or something

Feel free to make banners or icons for LJSO (:

Once again only submissions as comments to this entry please. Any discussion goes here.

season 1, week 1, topic

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