Unexpected Guests (aka Reunion Universe) Story Index

May 12, 2007 11:15

Unexpected Guests

aka the Reunion'verse

NEWEST STORY: "From 'The Young Scholar's Urrikada'"

Complete Story Index
(in chronological order)

" From 'The Young Scholar's Annotated Urrikada,..." (dating in part to the time of the Great Awakening) (complete)
Early Kryptonian literature indicates that sons of the House of El are genetically doomed to stupid mistakes and moping and require female ass-kickings to drag them out of it.

" Playlist" (references AU versions of events as early as 1958) (complete)
Five songs Jor-El never heard and music videos he never saw during his sojourn on Earth (at least not the first time).

" The Astounding Adventures of the Brothers El on Sol-3!" (August 1960) (complete)
The first thing Jor-El and Zor-El had purchased was a used 1958 Chevrolet Impala. Convertible. Black.

" The Kindness of Strangers" (primarily June 1961; also October-December 1989) (complete)
Mary has loved three Kent boys in her life.

" The Fifth Day" (circa 1986) (complete)
Zor-El remembers the day his nephew was born.

" Observing Your Earth" (December 1989) (complete)
Lois and Chloe discover an unexpected observer. Direct sequel to scenes in "The Kindness of Strangers" (above).

" Unsure" (Spring 2005), pre-Reunion (complete)
Comment!fic for isilweth.
The day Jor-El comes back to their quarters and says, “It’s time,” Lara retreats into the bedroom and cries for an hour.

" Interim" (May/June 2005, during Reunion) (complete)
It was a relief to know what had happened, to know that Kara had not simply acted out. She had responded inappropriately, but few could blame her.

" Interim II" (May/June 2005, during Reunion) (complete)
Ollie, Alfred and a promise made on Bruce’s thirteenth birthday.

" Interim III" (June 2005, towards the end of Reunion) (complete)
Bill Henderson and Maggie Sawyer one morning at the Metropolis PD.

Reunion (May-June 2005) (in progress)
Jor-El made a few miscalculations concerning the destruction of Krypton. Years after he and Lara sent their only child away to ensure his survival, they finally have the means to find him. However, their arrival on Earth does not go as planned.

Exchange (June 2005-November 2006) (outlined)
The first time Clark thought of himself as Kal-El, it just happened. It didn’t catch his attention; he didn’t panic; the universe didn’t implode.

League (November-December 2006) (outlined)
Oliver smirked. “Just how many years did you serve in Her Majesty’s secret service, Alfred? You make it sound like anything we ever plan to do, you’ve already done, and ten times more dangerously.”

Mirror Image (date currently unknown, after December 2006) (outlined)
"Martha Kent is building an army. And her son is leading it, my lord." - "Martha Kent has no son." - "My liege, he's one of the afflicted - we're not sure yet what his power is, but he stands out. He's bald."

" Seasonal Circumstances" (December 2006? 2007?)(complete)
Comment!fic for xenokattz
A few hundred snowflakes rest in Lois’s hair like miniature hair clips, glittering in the haze of city lights.
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