I got a little plot bunny this afternoon and thought I'd put it to paper. It's pretty fluffy, nothing of substance. And it was written at ten o'clock at night, so forgive any egregious errors.
Rating: K
Summary: Rodney and Sheppard have a little chat about baseball and the obligatory ballpark hot dog.
Coney )
Comments 5
Your baseball knowledge scares me (and goes way over my head). What exactly is a Coney?
Oh, sorry! I did neglect to mention that, didn't I? A coney island dog, so named for its supposed origin, is a hot dog smothered in chili and topped with onions and mustard (cheese optional). It's to die for, in my humble opinion. This story was actually inspired by my pitiful attempt to recreate one from the paltry contents of our fridge. Not as bad as Sheppard's, but certainly not as good as the original. ;)
(By the way, the team stats on the Jays...I cheated. Wikipedia is so my best friend.)
By the way, the team stats on the Jays...I cheated. Wikipedia is so my best friend.
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