work injury

May 02, 2014 07:43

Last Thursday, I was working at the dock and drove a shard of pallet wood into my thigh. I was walking out of a trailer after cleaning some plastic off of a pallet. It was a crowded area, with the hilo in the bay door, a half-dozen pallets on the forks, and a trash can just outside the door.

cut for length )


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Comments 6

eve11 May 2 2014, 14:56:20 UTC
OMG ouch! I am glad you are feeling better. Ugh, the discrepancy between what the ER told you and what the company-contracted med center told you... boo :(


a_phoenixdragon May 2 2014, 15:57:12 UTC gods, honey...that's just -

And of COURSE their personal pet doctor would want you to go back to work immediately. They are NOT paid to be doctors. UGH. I'm sorry you got hurt honey. And that they have been so callous about it. Companies are worse now than they were before safety laws even came into play...



clocketpatch May 2 2014, 18:45:54 UTC
Yikes! That's... ahhhhh. And especially the work doctor being all, "Not that's fine" *hugs*


amaebi May 2 2014, 19:39:32 UTC
Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That sounds like a horrible week!

Wishing you swift, thorough healing!


anansi133 May 3 2014, 02:27:43 UTC
Oh, jeez, Holy Christ on a stick! I cringe just reading about it. Please be careful! I hope you can report this properly as a workplace injury, because they have liability for any long term problems you have as a result of working for them. I trust you toget medical care, but please, I hope you can get some legal advice one this!


ljgeoff May 3 2014, 02:45:57 UTC
It's well documented, and one of the reasons I made this post was so that I could refer back to it if I needed to. But I think everything is going to be ok. There doesn't seem to be any lasting nerve pain -- I was able to walk today without limping, and just the wound itself is still a bit sore.


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