banana bread is in the oven

Nov 17, 2013 12:43

I'm off today after working a six day week. I think clocked some 55 hours. Mike clocked over 60. One thing that I'm loving is working at the same place and shift with Mike. We get to take our breaks together! I've been loving him for over 24 years now, and I still melt a little when I see him ( Read more... )

at my house, garden, work

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Comments 6

johnpalmer November 17 2013, 23:11:35 UTC
Re: fleas, I had some good luck with diatomaceous earth, but the only real solution was getting Frontline on the cats so they were walking, baited death traps. It's expensive, though.


ljgeoff November 18 2013, 00:30:04 UTC
Yep. Got the diatomaceous earth and the frontline, too. Probably need to do more of the frontline. We haven't used it on the kittens or the nursing mother, but once the kittens are with their new owners and the our Orphan Annie is a little older, we'll dose them all. Yes, expensive, but worth it.


johnpalmer November 18 2013, 01:13:56 UTC
Okay. In your Copious Free Time, it will help to flea comb the untreated cats near a sink full of hot soapy water (doesn't need to be *too* hot). It won't help a lot, but it will help keep the flea population down so they feed mostly on the cats instead of you. (This might sound cruel, but if they're feeding on you, the cats are already being bitten, a lot.)

The nursing mom *might* be safe to dose *IF AN ACTUAL VET SAYS SO*, so you might want to check - but with the kittens, I'm not sure it'd matter - you still have plenty of untreated kitties to act as Happy Meals for the fleas, alas.

Eating garlic helps some but not enough (but garlic can be toxic to kitties!) - still, if you like garlic, it's a decent excuse.

Um. Can you tell I'm in my "I would really like to help my friend, and OMG do I know how much fleas suck, and have nothing but talk, and am now talking" mood? So I'll just shut up now, I *know* you, you probably knew all of this before I did :-).


ljgeoff November 18 2013, 02:42:14 UTC
I haven't noticed any bites on the kids I don't have any bites myself, so the diatomaceous earth must be having at least some effect.

I love talking! And I personally think that GAS is fun. Actually, I'm imagining Competitve GAS. That would be amazing.


a_phoenixdragon November 18 2013, 01:56:54 UTC
Hope you got everything done, lovie (makes that bread taste so much better when it can be eaten while relaxed!)

Good luck with the storm...and the fleas - oi!! I totally understand! We're flea-ridden here as well, damned things!


heleninwales November 18 2013, 09:01:55 UTC
Argh! Fleas! They used to be the bane of my life when the cats were elderly and too frail for some of the flea treatments.

Changing and washing the animal's bedding in hot water and vacuuming thoroughly in the areas where they sleep helps a lot because the fleas actually breed there, not on the animal host. Finding time to do it, on the other hand, on top of all the other work you have to cope with is another matter. Anyway, I hope it's easier once the kittens are weaned and off to their new homes.


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