LJ Daily Answers: 29 November 2010

Nov 29, 2010 09:38

"So, important lesson. Don't try and play the quiz a day or two before (American) Thanksgiving while things are cooking. Distraction is bad." - flawed_karma

Our bad. Next time invite us over and we promise not to distract you in any way, shape, or form. Well, maybe shape. Shapes are fun.

1. Fun with lyrics! Name the song and the band:
I'm a rolling thunder, pouring rain
I'm comin' down like a hurricane
My lightning's flashing across the sky
You're only young but you're gonna die

"What the hell? Did you partner up with the LJ Writer's Prompt to be horribly scary and depressing?" - lots42

"The next line is 'Because I'm the Goddamn Batman.'" - thepikey

(Isn't it always? -CV)

"You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi" - spiralgirl1

"Rock Me, AmaZeus." - johnwwells

("Rock Me Dr. Zaius" was one of the best songs The Simpsons ever presented. -CV)

"'The Devil Came Down to LiveJournal' by Chaos and Viziers?" - temperance14

(I'm already here, kid. -CV)

"Weasel Stomping Day" - mistressjennfer

(+1, Weird Al Yankovic. -CV)

"I don't remember Bob Hope singing that verse when he performed Silver Bells." - cholma

(Well, he's dead now, so maybe certain things have changed in his musical environment... -CV)

"I don't know but now I have Rock You Like A Hurricane stuck in my head. Was it Poison or Whitesnake that sang that?" - confusedpuppy

(Well, if by "Poison" you mean "something venomous" and by "Whitesnake" you mean "also something venomous", then yes, it was by Scorpions, as you said. -CV)

"That sounds vaguely like an AC/DC song..." - sticky9fingers

(You have a remarkably specific definition of the word "vague". -CV)

"'How do you spell AC/DC?' 'A-C-D-C' 'You forgot the lightning bolt!'" - digitalraven

(+1, The Simpsons. -CV)

"Too easy - AC/DC, "Hell's Bells". I just turned 40 yesterday. You better BELIEVE I know this shit. OLD PEOPLE REPRESENT!" - battleraven

(Please don't remind me that I turn 40 in almost exactly six months. I FEEL THE ICY HAND OF THE REAPER UPON ME! AIIIEEEEE!!! -CV)
(Thank goodness I'm the young one in this bunch... -AL)

"Whenever they get to the part about 'Satan's comin' ta YOU', I always point at someone else. I can't not do it." - mattwolf

(Funny, I always point at myself, and then at someone else, and nod and wink knowingly. -CV)

"I discovered during a very boring dance lesson that it is possible to belly-dance to AC/DC. I recommend Thunderstruck, although now I want to try it with Hells Bells." - drunken_hedghog

"Oh so that's what he's singing? I'm always to busy rocking out to notice anything but the Guitar of Awesome." - bending_sickle

Correct Answer: AC/DC, "Hell's Bells". That slash should be a lightning bolt. Not Slash; he's in G&R.

2. What comic book character is often billed as the "world's greatest paranormal investigator"?

"Zombie Sherlock Holmes" - elbiesee

"Scooby Doo" - neumeindil, tweeti

"Pat Robertson" - seferin

"Perry Normal" - drbear

(Perry Rhodan and Perry Mason both got better jobs. -CV)

"Wow, I had no idea John Edward had his own comic book too!" - thepikey

"Ant-Man, because he's so small he can sneak up on ghosts, and ... look, it's not like his powers make sense anyway" - bad_latin

(You need to step away from the comic books right now, young lady. -CV)

"Who's the man tracking ghosts and demons like no one else can? Shaft!" - marasca

(You know that Shaft is one bad ghost-busting motherf... -CV)
(Watch your mouth! -LL)
(I'm just talkin' 'bout Shaft! -CV)
(And I can dig it. -AL)

"Paranormal Investigatorman, who was bitten by a radioactive paranormal investigator when he was a teenager. Has the proportional strength of a paranormal investigator, plus the ability to lurk in shadows." - alfvaen

"Hey, I didn't know my son had a comic character named after him ..." - germankitty

(Is your son's name Batman, John Constantine, Harry Dresden, or Hellboy? -CV)

"The ghost of Batman. What, he was dead for at least a couple of issues." - flipthefrog
"The world's greatest investigator is Batman. Therefore, the world's greatest paranormal investigator has to be Alien Batman." - photosinensis

(Batman got 7 votes, but was outdone by two others:)

"John Constantine" - several individuals who were cranky about a certain movie and its star. Except for umbralcorax...
"But it had Peter Stormare as Satan, which made the whole thing worthwhile" - umbralcorax

"Harry Dresden" - several individuals who don't know John Constantine

"Can I mention that John Constantine is a total douchebag? Because he is. If there were an organization called Paranormal Douchebags Associated, he'd be the chairman AND the entire board of trustees. Also, he was based on Sting, which just sets my douchebagometer to the highest setting of douche-itude." - lisacharly

"My husband would like to point out that Hellboy does very little of the actual investigating. But he's apparently awesome at eating candy and shooting stuff." - limegreenjillo

Correct Answer: Hellboy

"Yo Hellboy, I'm happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Sherlock Holmes was the best investigator of all time. Of all time. *shrugs*" - confusedpuppy

3. What Manhattan neighborhood is situated west of 8th Avenue, between 34th and 59th Streets?

"Oh my God, it's like a math problem! *shuuuuuns*" - bending_sickle

(Note to self: next time, write out the numbers to avoid traumatizing the mathematically challenged. -CV)
(Wait, why would we AVOID traumatizing people? -AL)
(...good point. -CV)

"'Have fun storming Manhattan!'
'Think it'll work?'
'It would take a Miracle on 34th Street'" - thepikey

(+1, The Princess Bride. -CV)

(Number of people who knew this because of Gordon Ramswy and/or cooking shows: 22. -CV)

"Sex and the City is in Manhattan, right? Neighborhood of Doofy Shoes! Neighborhood of Pink Alcoholic Drinks! Neighborhood of Inexplicably Finding Chris Noth Attractive!" - bad_latin

"As a rural hick, I can tell you that if it's in NYC and it's not Broadway, it don't even exist in my mind. Unless it's Spider-Man's apartment." - lisacharly

"Is that the part of Escape From New York that looks like Thunderdome?" - mattwolf

"My favorite is the 'meat packing' district." - squeegibo

"That's the one with the crazy cab drivers, oh, wait, that's all of Manhattan." - sskipstress

"It's either Hell or Broadway, I can never tell them apart." - sticky9fingers

(Hell has less singing. -CV)

"Fun fact: the high priest of the Church of Satan actually does live in Hell's Kitchen" - photosinensis

"It's 'Clinton,' actually" - david_deacon

(Well, sure, if you want to be technical about it. And even that's just short for "Hillary Clinton's Hoo-Hah". -CV)

"Hell's Kitchen; frankly it's overrated. You can get spicier food in Seattle." - spiralgirl1

(True; on the other hand, it's Seattle. -1, right there. -CV)

"What would they serve in 'Hell's Kitchen', Soul Burgers with a side of Purgatory Flies?" - tweeti
"Serving more than a million Damned People! Daily Specials include flame-broiled burgers, Fries, molten lava milkshakes, and other items to die for! Ask our Demonic Waitresses for service -- and then wait forever!" - etumukutenyak

"I've often wondered why Hell needs a kitchen. If you're tormenting people, wouldn't you just serve them Army field rations? (the *really* old stuff, like C & K-rats)" - cholma

Correct Answer: Hell's Kitchen

4. The 1952 Summer Olympics were held in which city?

"Hell, Michigan." - bending_sickle, spiralgirl1
"Hell, Norway" - digitalraven
"Hellena, Montana" - athousandsmiles

"Does it count as Google cheating if I was just using it to look for pictures of hot Swedes in swimsuits? And was too lazy to follow through?" - limegreenjillo

(Fair enough. You're off the hook this time. -CV)

"Trick question, there were no Summer Olympics in 1952?" - ntlespino

(Actually, a reverse-trick question. Helsinki was supposed to host the 1940 Olympics, but those were cancelled due to World War II. Actually, Tokyo had the bid before Helsinki, but they were being dicks so they got canned. -CV)

"y'all were getting desperate with this one..." - holmes221b

(Desperation is funny. -CV)

"If Helsinki, does Heavenfloaty?" - drunken_hedghog

"Helsinki, which is surprising, because summer in Finland lasts for approximately four hours." - flipthefrog
"Who the hell has a summer games in a country without a summer? I mean really, come on, Finland? FINLAND?" - photosinensis, squeegibo, etumukutenyak

(What better way to make those athletes really earn those speed records? -CV)

"Spelling it just "Helsinki" somehow doesn't seem right -- looking at other Finnish place names, it lacks about half a dozen vowels and umlauts. As the capital, it should have a name like Äteritsiputeritsipuolilautatsijänkä." - germankitty

(Äbsolutely. -CV)

Correct Answer: Helsinki

"After all that sweating, they called it Helstinki." - johnwwells

5. The AGM-114 series of weaponry is commonly called what?

"Amongst our weapons ... no, amongst our weaponry ... I'll start again." - drbear

(+1, Monty Python. Because no one expects it. -CV)

"A BFG" - elbiesee

"BFG9000" - squeegibo

(+1, Doom. -CV)

"This is my...BOOMSTICK!" - kristinmachina, lisacharly

(+1, Army of Darkness. -CV)

"Meeting adjourned." - alfvaen

" - sskipstress

(+1, Spaceballs. -CV)

"The Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch" - cholma

(+1, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. -CV)

"Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator" - battleraven

(It can blow up the Earth, after all. +1, Bugs Bunny. -CV)

"IN MY PANTS no wait I missed a line of the joke in there somewhere" - bad_latin

"AGM = Aspercreme, Geritol, Metamucil. Therefore, this device is a quick way to coat grandma with whichever form of relief she needs." - mattwolf

(The phrase "coating grandma with relief" is thoroughly disconcerting. -CV)

"Like fire, Hellfire, This fire in my skin, This burningohgodmakeitstooop!" - nattbarn

(+1, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Well, maybe only +0.5. -CV)

"Hellfire, very apt--was probably incorrectly used in the TV show '24'." - holmes221b

Correct Answer: Hellfire Missile

"The AGM-115 then went by 'Brimstone', to complete the set." - germankitty

6. What's the worst torment you could possibly imagine for yourself?

"A ten hour drive home for Thanksgiving, with a husband and four dogs in the car, one of whom has a flatulence issue. Hint: It's not one of the dogs." - flawed_karma

"I don't have to imagine the worst torment for myself. I *lived* it. It's called middle school." - mezzolibra

"If I ever have to spend two or more weeks stuck in my house without power and internet ever again...I really don't have to imagine it." - holmes221b
"Being stuck with holmes221b without internet and power for over a week in a small house after a hurricane has gone through the area. When she gets bored and/or stir-crazy, she gets kinda loopy." - sticky9fingers

(Sounds like a story for the grandkids... -CV)

"Being forced to walk my dog while she runs around in circles and barks for all eternity, while its a balmy 10 degrees out." - umbralcorax

"An iPod with nothing but Bieber, with the earbuds glued to my ears. I'd sooner take the worms from 'Wrath of Khan.'" - kristinmachina

("He put... Biebers... in our bodies..." -CV)

"No TV and no beer make Homer go crazy" - squeegibo

(+1, The Simpsons. -CV)

"Being tied to a chair and forced to watch any show with '...with the Stars' in the title. (Unless it was LJDQ With The Stars! Oh, the answers Jessica Simpson would supply!)" - cholma

(True story: In the ancient days, when the Quiz first formed, before LiveJournal and its ilk, there was a player named Monica King. Her answers were so impossibly wrong and flaky and yet mind-numbingly funny that no one, not even the moderator, could tell if she was genuinely ditzy, or if she was brilliant at faking it. We wish to all the heavens out there that Ms. King would play LJDQ. Where are you, Monica? -AL&CV)

"From the schedule board at work last week:
'Neume Indil-- Friday, November 26: 5:30AM- 5:00PM.
(Reminder: Please arrive at work fully dressed in your uniform Friday AM. This will help assure that customers waiting in line will not attempt violence or complaints about "line jumping" by scheduled employees entering the building.)'" - neumeindil, limegreenjillo

(Hail Caesar; we who are about to die salute you. You poor damned fools. -CV)

"I'd say the upcoming month, but then I remember that I DON'T work retail anymore! Haha, suck it, holiday wage slaves! Say hi to nonstop Christmas radio for me!" - lisacharly

(Ah well. Fuck sympathy. -CV)

"There's no way I'm answering this question because this is the kind of thing CV would remember even after drinking half the bar the next time I run into him at a party." - sskipstress

(Oh come on now, I wouldn't really do that. By the way, could you direct your voice to this microphone when you talk to me? Thanks. -CV)
(Now that I wrote that, I realize of course that everyone's going to say "Hur hur, is that a microphone in your pants or..." but I really meant microphone. If I had meant WANG, I most certainly would have said WANG. -CV)

"I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, so I'm pretty much living my worst torment: constantly watching what I eat, with no sweets. This blows chunks. Oh sure, I've lost 20lbs, but at what cost, LJDQ? AT WHAT COST?!?!" - battleraven

(Oh jebus, you're like me, in the future! -CV)

"Watching Sarah Palin with the election - tied to a chair with my eye lids glued open so I HAVE to watch because dammit otherwise it is SO not happening. I will be in Canada if anyone needs me." - raphsody606

And there you have it. From heaven to hell in two simple weeks. Tune in tomorrow for... something else.

Hope all you American types had a wonderful Thanksgiving; as always, we here at ljdq are thankful for everyone who plays, and watches, and talks about, and enjoys, and otherwise partakes in the quiz. Six years and 2000 members later, we're still going, and we're glad you're here. If you really are here. Maybe it's just 1900 Russian spambots and 100 players. Eh, whatever. We're not picky.

Congratulations also to any quizlings who did NaNoWriMo this month; whether you passed or failed, you still took a shot. I passed after two years of consecutive fail, although considering what I wrote, I might have to call this a fail too. Ugh.

And finally, welcome to the end of the year! December is upon us, and that means just four or five more quizzes until the New Year smites us with hangovers and fireworks. As a christmas present to us, everyone should play! ;-)

Rock On!



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