LJ Daily Answers: 7 January 2008

Jan 07, 2008 02:07

Welcome back everybody, and let's get on with the first answer post of 2008! First, some commentary:

"I have a cat on my lap. I had hoped that he would give me all the answers and I could impress you all with my amazing brainpower. Alas, he appears to simply be sleeping." - crystalcazzie

Cats are notoriously unhelpful in this regard.

"Ok, let me preface by saying that, while I was visiting my parents over the holidays and subsequently being cut off from the Internet, I had a nightmare that LJDQ shut down. It was horrifying." - oboe_dude

No, sorry, that was last month. We're much better now.

"thought you’d like to know, I’m doing this quiz while having a relationship-ending argument with my boyfriend of six months via text. Harrah for LJDQ keeping my fangs retracted." - ketaki

Well... we'll take that as a compliment of some sort. We're not proud here.

Also, Happy Birthday to sushimustwrite! Now let's get our theme on!

1. What is the most populous county in the United States?

"What? The United States has STATES! That's why it's CALLED the Unites STATES. They can't go around having counties and confusing non-U.S. people! It's unfair!" - dracothelizard

(We do it because we hate everyone. -CV)

"Ah, a misspelling. You meant Popeulous. And that's not in the U.S., it's the Vatican." - antinomic

"Damned if I know. All of America is just the same; dirty, smelly, and you can't get a decent cup of tea anywhere. *mutters something about the bloody colonials*" - puredeadthingy

(In our defense, AL and CV have learned the proper art of tea-making from proper British persons. -CV)

"I'm gonna say Middlesex County, MA. Because the word "Middlesex" never stops being funny, in a very 13-year-old-boy kind of way." - schizospider

"According to the well-known phrase "senatus populusque Romanus", it has to be Rome, in Floyd County, Georgia." - germankitty

"Let's see, according to my 2020 Census ... Guantanamo Bay. " - spatialrift47

"Mega-City One" - i_calql8

(+1, Judge Dredd. -CV)

"Molyneux County." - jd3000

(+1, even though only six other people will get this joke. -CV)

"Hazzard County.. it's all that inbreeding and Boss Hoggs' insatiable sexual appetities!" - joscelin

"San Diego, only most of the people there are undocumented." - thalassatx

"You’ve tricked me verily here. Does populous mean popular or full of trees or full of pop…? Sod it either way my answer is el-ay. It’s full of plant life that promote pop." - ketaki

"I think it's somewhere in Los Angeles, but I'll be buggered if I know exactly which one." - cmseward

"Los Angeles - former home of... The Oakland Raiders, The St. Louis Rams, The San Diego Chargers, and The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (or whatever they call themselves this week!). Why can't that happen to the Clippers?!" - blindgeoff

"All I can think of is the old Dragnet ending, 'trial was held in court in and for the county of Los Angeles.' So I'm guessing that. Dum da dum dum." - drbear

"Los Angeles county, a wretched hive of scum and villainy" - teh_antisecks

Correct Answer: Los Angeles county

"I suppose the smog gets a county of its own." - emptybackpack

2. The conclusion of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" takes place at which landmark?

"The White House" - 11 of you, who are clearly thinking of the wrong movie
"Mashed potatoes" - 12 of you, who are clearly thinking of the right movie, but should stop playing with your food anyway

"Do we get a +1 if we sculpt it out of mashed potatoes?" - mark_laura

(Only if you send photographic evidence. -CV)

"Kirsty Ally?" - mistyraven

(Now that's just plain mean. +1. -CV)

"On the backseat of a car at the drive-in, where many close encounters with third base have taken place." - damanique

"Mount Rushmore! (Note: you misspelled 'North by Northwest')" - thepikey

"That..statue of liberty place?" - _pullmystrings

(If you gotta be wrong, at least say Ellis Island and be a little bit right. -CV)

"I don't think it ended in California, but we have a Mt. Diablo..." - majorsamfan

(Curiously enough, fizrep and I climbed that last month... -CV)

"the worlds fair thing out near LaGuardia... you know the globe thing... or is that the end of men in black... think its MIB, but whatever" - jenny_1981

"Are you sure this isn't a Marvel comic book? Because it's kind of the rule of Marvel comic books that the climactic sequence must take place in, on, or in front of a national monument/landmark and then break it in the process. " - littlelion2k

"Presumably the First and Second encounters are the flesh-eating worms deep inside the earth and toilet snakes. You know, like degrees of severity." - puredeadthingy

(I'm REALLY curious to know what movie you're thinking of, because it sure isn't the one I'm thinking of. -CV)

"do you people come up with these questions to point out my nerd failings?" - illogicalvulcan

(Yes. -AL&CV&LL)

"One wonders if these 'encounters' increase or decrease in kinkiness as the numbers go on...if it's increase, I hope we're talking sodomy in the belltower of Notre Dame. Might as well push the boat out." - neblinaclara

"Richard Dreyfus' Forehead. Seriously, you can see the fucking thing *from space.*" - etcet

"That’s where I started to think of aliens as cute." - ketaki

"If I remember corectly, below a giant elctronic 'Simon Says.'" - reticent_lass

(Yeah, and you know you wanted one. Don't try to deny it. -CV)

"Devil's Peak. Or was it Dante's Peak? No, that was the one with the volcano. I'll stick with Devil's Peak. It's probably wrong, but I was always told to stick with your first fourth answer when it comes to questions.'" - iamza

"Sadly, I have not seen CE3K, but have only seen Cocoon, which I know makes me seem sad and pathetic, but it's my history teacher's fault, and also it means I giggle when John Cusack introduces the movie to the old people in Say Anything." - katiebgood

Correct Answer: Devil's Tower

3. What is the stage name of Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos?

"Cedric The Entertainer" - wiredwizard
"Nicolas Cage." - dotcomslash, cmseward, mice
"Zod!" - akiyasan
"Bambi." - katiebgood
"Saruman" - ketaki

"Kriss Kringle, that jolly old devil!" - germankitty

"Balki Bartokomous?" - gogogidget

(+1, Perfect Strangers. -CV)

"Vin Diesel or Verne Troyer, I always get those two confused." - thepikey

(That takes some doing, I must admit. -CV)

"Sting isn't cool enough to be Greek, so that's right out." - etcet

"With a name like that how can you not call yourself Santa? Come on!" - crystalcazzie

"Oh for goodness sake is it that one guy? who did that one thing? with that girl?" - killabee886

(Actually, with many girls. -CV)

"Sarantakos? I like tacos. I bet he'd go well with Electra Natchios from Daredevil." - spatialrift47

"I weep at the loss of an actor known by the last name of Sarantakos. Greek, or plastic wrap made of Mexican food? The world will never know." - neblinaclara

"For a while I thought his name was spelt 'Chrissangel' and that he was just being a pretentious dick by not shortening it." - jrho

(No, apparently he's being a pretentious dick in different ways. -CV)

"Criss Angel, who, if this magic thing doesn't ever pan out, seems to be well on his way to being a professional man-slut." - goweli

"Criss Angel, now seen on A&E, home of 'Dog, the Bounty Hunter', 'Intervention', and 'Growing Up Gotti'. You can't fool us by showing reruns of 'The Sopranos', A&E, you're still crap." - i_calql8

Correct Answer: Criss Angel

4. Martin Pierre Brodeur is a goaltender for which sports team?

"Who knew the French had sports teams?" - neblinaclara

(This is one of those false Frenchies. -CV)

"Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys." - unsurprisingly, three of you. Also, five of you read something about goats and lending.

"For a second I read the question as, 'Martin Pierre Brodeur is the bartender for which sports team?' And then I realized the answer would be the same either way. (That's a French joke.)" - babybokal

"Unless the sports involves hidden landmines and retractable sawblades, I don't give a good goddamn anymore." - lots42

"He's no match for Ron Chitin!" - rikchik

"I had typed up this very long rant about the fucking Flyers stealing him away from my Sabres, but then I remembered that was Martin Biron, not Brodeur." - illogicalvulcan

"Well, he sounds French, and the only sport I know that the French are involved is in rugby (well, and football), and that's just because they get naked on a calendar every year." - dracothelizard

(We may have found the male answer to the Brazilian Women's Beach Volleyball Team. - LL)

"Logic class: That name sounds French or French-Canadian, so it's soccer or hockey, but Mark knows all about soccer and there's no famous soccer goalie with that name, so this question must be about a Canadian hockey player. Now, the theme tells us the team must be some sort of Devils, and where would devils reside? In a hellhole like New Jersey, of course!" - mark_laura

(For once, logic actually serves its intended purpose. We are astounded. -AL&CV&LL)

"How the hell is New Jersey gonna escape from all of those 'Worst Place on Earth' jokes if they name their hockey team 'The Devils?' Geez!" - blindgeoff
"Why are New Yorkers so depressed? Because the light at the end of their tunnel is Jersey." - stormyskies

"Team Canada, baby! (And, I suppose, the New Jersey Devils, but that's just his day job.)" - cmseward

"Finally, one I know. Martin Brodeur plays for the New Jersey Devils, and just last week moved to second all-time in shutouts. Way to go, Marty." - dotcomslash

"knowing that his middle name is 'Pierre' is going to make me snicker until that fucker retires from the Devils." - etcet

Correct Answer: New Jersey Devils

"The New York Islanders only wish they had him." - pride4u2

5. Who was the cyclopean boss of Stringfellow Hawke and Dominic Santini?

"I wonder how many one eyed snake jokes you'll get..." - kestrel127

(You, thalassatx, drbear, antinomic, jrho, and elvenpiratelady. Also, crystalcazzie, ntlespino, schizospider, and littlelion2k were the only ones who made a Scott Summers reference. Special note to mistyraven, below:)

"I don't know, he was always in the bathroom whenever they tried to introduce me. The only thing I know about him is that he has one hell of a cycle o' peein'. (Okay, I went too far out of my way for that joke.) " - mistyraven

(WAY too far - CV&AL&LL)

"cyclopean should be the word of the say. It's groovy like onomatopeia but not quite. It sorta rolls off the tongue... cyclopean..." - faery_wing

"Stringfellow Hawke sounds like the worst porno stage-name ever." - lots42

"Snake Plissken." - mark_laura

(+1, Escape from New York. -CV)

"Phil Ken Sebben?" - blindgeoff, thepikey

(+1, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. -CV)

"Falcon 7" - i_calql8

(+1, old school. -CV)

"Charlie from Charlie's Angels. We never saw him so I think he could be. " - killabee886

"I asked my brain, and I got "Bwuh?" as an answer. " - damanique

"This has something to do with comics, right? I don't happen to browse that particular form of 'literature.' " - stagemanager

"I would really like a cyclopean boss. Find some strong wine and a pointy stick and it's office parties every day!" - neblinaclara

"Did you ever wonder if having his on screen significant other being either a helicopter or Ernest Borgnine is what started Jan Michael Vincent drinking? 'Cause I think that might be a hard choice, though the helicopter and that theme song was pretty damn cool." - goweli

"Mmmmmmm, Airwolf. That show was the source of many a fantasy in my adolescence. What? Girls are horndogs too, you know." - deza

(Hopefully not for Ernest Borgnine. -CV)

"Ooooh, Airwolf! I loved that show it was just like Knight Rider, only with a helicopter and not so much talking and also more flying." - b_hulsmans

"I caught...like...three episodes of Airwolf during the entire 80's, couldn't bear to watch Jan-Michael Vincent weave his drunken ass through one more performance. I think they called the character 'Archangel'?" - fmh

Correct Answer: Michael "Archangel" Coldsmith Briggs III

6. What was the successor to Lamborghini's Countach model automobile?

"a sports AND a car question?!? This week is a showcase of my incompetence." - killabee886

"Sasquatch" - spiffington

"The Popemobile." - illogicalvulcan

"The Lamborghini Domebutdon'tstaintheleather." - squeegibo

"lambroghini always reminds me of Italian food. Like lasagna. When will LJDQ be providing a snack with its quiz?" - faery_wing

(I made you a cookie, but I eated it. - LL)

"There is no successor. There can be only ONE!" - thepikey

(+1, Highlander - LL)

"His model airplane?" - mistyraven

"I bet it was also spelled really weird. So, Ähngelphyre? Haellreizor? Scheitmöbile?" - woap

"I know next to nothing about cars. I didn't even know the Countach had a baby." - dotcomslash

"I can't read this question without saying that word aloud and thinking of a vaginal moustache..." - fizrep

"The Mid-Life Crisis 3000, which was then succeeded by the Overcompensation Mach IV." - i_calql8

"The Lamborgotti Fasterosa. It's the car I think of when I make love to my wife." - coolteamblt

"I'm going to say Gallardo, because Jeremy Clarkson keeps going on about it, although I suspect he just wants to shag it a lot." - dracothelizard

"was it red? red makes cars go faster." - sometimespez

" - stormyskies

"Not many people know this, but the next 'experiment' by Lamborghini was the 'Model T.' Henry Ford promptly rose from the dead to file civil suit for infringement." - stagemanager

"There is no 'successor' to the Countach, despite the Diablo's styling. There are merely sleeker, faster, lesser impersonators made by the Lamborghini marque in its wake. Real Men coveted the Countach; the wannabes and Sonny Crocketts of the world drove Testa Rossas." - etcet

"I'd kill to drive a Lamborghini Murcielago. I'd take a Diablo though. I'm not picky." - ooyoumasha
"Murcielago means 'bat'. I spend a lot of time reading IMDB trivia." - jrho

"I never understood the concept of calling a horse or a vehicle a Devil and then expecting it to behave properly." - majorsamfan

"Diablo II. So...Damn...Addicting." - fictionalsolace


Correct Answer: Diablo

7. What biker gang has become extremely popular in Canada and has, in recent years, been heavily targeted by Canadian law enforcement for violence and drug-related crime?

(References to the Four Bikers of the Apocalypse: 16. -CV)

"Violence and drug crimes in Canada? You lie! They are saints on earth those canucks." - b_hulsmans

"Canada has crime? I thought every night they called each other and sang lullabyes." - lots42

(Yeah, they think they're all that, with their powerful dollar and what not. They're still a buncha crooks. -CV)

"The Iron Mounties. What kind of bad motherfucker smuggles Ziploc bags full of smack by shoving it up a moose's ass? I don't know, but I tell you what - *I'm* not gonna mess with him. Especially not until he washes his hands....." - etcet

"Canadialand, associated with something cool? Say it ain't so!" - puredeadthingy

(It ain't so. Canadialand is associated with a psychopathic biker gang. That's of minimal coolness. -CV)

"What is with Canada? I went last month and saw graffiti that said 'BLOODS 4 LIFE'. (In red, naturally.) Canadians are supposed to drink beer and ice fish and play hockey and go curling. It's too cold to be gangsta. " - queeniexb

"Hell's Angels, the Montreal chapter. They're like the evil Canadian version of Charlie's Angels, only male. We think." - iamza

"The Hell's Eh-ngels?" - littlelion2k, mark_laura

"Hell's Snow-Angels" - i_calql8

"Hell's Grannies:

" - teh_antisecks

"The Purgatory's Minions, known for pressing vending machine buttons a bit too hard and committing wanton littering while on Prilosec." - jd3000
"Heck's Angels. Nasty bunch, what with their penchant for pushing to the front of queues and cross-border trade in Jolt Cola and Mountain Dew." - humbleacolyte

"The mounties are just jealous because Canadian biker gangs are cooler than they will ever be." - kestrel127

"The only answer that makes sense here is 'Hell's Angels.' But we all know them folk from Canadia don't have the technology. Yet." - stagemanager

"Hell's Angels. They're just getting a bad rep, kind of like Lucifer. I'm sure they were just lobbying to legalise medicinal marijuana." - lady_deirdre

(Comparing a biker gang to the Prince of Darkness seems a little bit much, don't you think? -CV)

"Hell's Moose" - fizrep

"Les Anges D'Enfer" - schizospider, graciously providing the answer in its original Canadian language format

Correct Answer: Hell's Angels

8. Fun with lyrics! Name the song and the band:
But in seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and...

"Christmas At Ground Zero - Weird Al Yankovic" - wiredwizard

"We Ain't Raking These Leaves, Dad, by Kids Who Just Want to Play Video Games." - pirho_maniac

"Wasn't 'Stand and Deliver' that horrible movie about Hispanic high school students taking a math class and the teacher decides to shove algebra down their throats just to be evil? I hated that movie." - katiebgood
"Stand and Deliver was a movie I never really understood. That could be because we saw it in Spanish class in Spanish and only caught about every twelfth word." - faery_wing

(Stand and Deliver is also a song by Adam Ant, as five people pointed out. -CV)

"Sting. Well, I *know* he's a demon." - cmseward

"Hell is probably soundproofed. That's why we on Earth don't hear the unending screams of the damned" - fictionalsolace

(You have clearly never been to a New York City subway station. -CV)

"My dad just got a whole bunch of episodes of 'Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In' on DVD, and has been watching them for the past few days. He keeps saying how wonderful and inventive it was when he was a kid, and all I can think is that someone should have hit Tiny Tim in the head with a hammer a long time ago." - babybokal

(And the ljdq Non Sequitur Award this week goes to... babybokal! -CV)

"'Seasons of wither?' Oh, man, that's gotta be Simon and Garfunkel. Or an 80s metal band." - schizospider

(Right the second time. -CV)

"the only song I can play on guitar hero 2 and make it all the way through the song!!" - jenny_1981

(coolteamblt is rocking out with you. I'm jamming to some Wayward Son, myself. -CV)

"You have to put this up, it's the only one in the whole stinkin' lot I know!!! It's Motley Crue- Shout at the Devil!" - spiffington

(Ironically, the lyrics question is where we usually lose everyone. Congratulations on bucking the trend. -CV)

"Shouting at the Devil is easy, but he doesn't really care which makes it less fun." - woap

"'Shout at the Devil' by Montly Crew." - killabee886

(+1 for the best misspelling of the week. -CV)

Correct Answer: "Shout at the Devil" by Mötley Crüe

9. What is the name of the lead character in the film "Hot Fuzz"?

"Vagicil." - ketaki

"Do I get minuses for saying 'I've never watched porno so I really don't know'?" - ntlespino
"I haven't seen that particular porn. Yet. (But if it has midgets, I'll get on it real soon.)" - stagemanager

"David Hasselhoff." - katiebgood

"Dwyer Lent." - jd3000

(I'll give you +1 because I had to think about it. Good show. -CV)

"For some reason the phrase 'hot fuzz' makes me think of a bikini wax, which makes my lady bits curl up and cry sad, sad, high-pitched cries of terror. So now I've got unhappy lady bits, and I still don't know the answer. Thanks a lot, LJDQ." - babybokal

"Gah, I still haven't seen it! Damn you ljdq, for lording your pop culture over me! " - oboe_dude

(Bwhahahaha, ours is an evil laugh - CV&AL&LL)

"I get it. LJDQ is God, and this is His way of telling me I need to get out and watch more movies. Thanks, God!" - reticent_lass


"I wish I could do some 'greater good' culling at the library." - deza

(I'd say start with the Robert Jordan and William Shakespeare shelves, but I think that's not quite what you meant. -CV)

"I should know this. Can I just cite the tiny model village and the peace lily for some partial credit?" - neblinaclara

"I would say Nicholas Cage... but that would only be half right." - dotcomslash

"Wait...his real name or his character's name? 'Cause it would make more sense if it was the character's name. Which is Nicholas Angel. Which totally coincides with the theme. And I'll shut up now." - lookatmesparkle

"Okay, the only one I know is 9: Sergeant Nicholas Angel. And that's cause Hot Fuzz is the best movie ever released this year. So I'm not gonna embarrass myself with the rest of the answers and just guess that Angel is the theme. I'm also gonna spell check Sergeant, so I don't embarrass myself on THIS answer, too." - selenityshiroi

"Nicholas Angle Angel" - fmh, jrho, mice, stormyskies

Correct Answer: Sgt. Nicholas Angel

10. Dorothy Gladys Smith's most popular book (sometimes called "The Great Dog Robbery") features which classic villainness?

"Ellen DeGeneres" - spatialrift47

(Full credit. -CV)

"'Villainness'? Careful, or you'll be getting shit from Feminazis..." - lookatmesparkle

"Catwoman, McGruff the Crime Dog's onetime love, but eventual arch-nemesis. " - etcet

"Clearly, those poker-playing pooches got up to some serious mischief after the painting was finished. But Sweet Polly Purebred always was a persuasive b*(#%." - humbleacolyte

"At least she was consistent. I mean, most people are all 'I hate cruelty on animals, but I'll wear cowhide and use cosmetics tested on them and eat their insides'...I very much enjoyed my scorched poultry flesh this Christmas." - puredeadthingy
"I didn't see a big problem with using puppy coats as long as the whole animal is used. I'm looking at you chaosvizier for the BBQ later." - killabee886

"When I was younger, my mom and I got into a huge fight because she swore there were only 100 dalmatians in the book, but there's really 101: 97 puppies, Pongo and Mrs. Pongo, Perdita and that dog that Perdita loved but can never remember the name of. It ended with my mom telling me that it didn't matter because that book was as closest I was going to get to having a dog. I believe this was the same year I found out Santa wasn't real. So benchmark year, really." - stormyskies

"if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will. Unless it's green bean casserole." - neblinaclara

(I'll go with you on that. Green beans, yeeeech. -CV)

"Cruella Deville, I hope. I don't think I could take knowing there's another evil villainess out to steal puppies for her own nefarious purposes. I mean, seriously, puppies? Will nobody think of the kittehs?" - iamza

(The Chinese restaurants bogarted all the kittehs already. -CV)

"Sharon Stone, as played by Cruella DeVille" - mice

"Cruella DeVil, a name with absolutely zero subtlety behind it." - woap

(Have you even SEEN Harry Potter yet? I mean, really. Remus Lupin? Why not just call him Wolfy McLycanthrope-Barkendogger? -CV)

"101 dalmations was a book before Disneyfication? hmm - the things ya learn on LJDQ" - sometimespez

(Just never read Who Censored Roger Rabbit. - LL)

"One of the snazziest dressers among the Disney villains, Cruella DeVille. Love the hair, darling." - deza

"Cruella De Vil drank INK. She fucking drank ink! That disturbed me a lot more then her need to skin innocent puppies." - lots42

"as it turns out, she did indeed 'let the dogs out.'" - mistyraven

Correct Answer: Cruella de Vil

"Sassiest. Villain. EVER." - schizospider

11. Whose side are you on?

(Marvel Civil War tally: 0 votes for Iron Man, 3 votes for Captain America. Too bad Cap's dead. -CV)

"Oh poop now I gotta take sides? I generally prefer the left side, but the right side has it's merits. The flip side is kind of fun as well. Hmm, maybe this waffling is why I'm always the last one picked?" - joscelin

"The writers. I'm waiting for Hollywood to become one gigantic LJDQ now. It'll be fun!" - katiebgood

"I remain neutral the entire fight! And then when the fight is going to be decided I'll switch to that side! it's a win-win situation. Well except for the losers." - b_hulsmans

(This is how we can tell you're from Belgium. -CV)

"Mainly my own, but I can be hired. For a price. (I'm not cheap, but I'm easy.)" - cmseward

"Darth Vader's. They say there are cookies. So far it's mostly green beans, but at least I get a light saber." - neblinaclara

"Why do you wanna know? Is my computer being wire-tapped, too?" - faery_wing

"My Conjoined Twin" - thalassatx

"I dunno, on one hand, you've got Metatron, 'cause let's face it, Alan Rickman as the Voice of God. You can't beat that. On the other hand, there's a ton of material to back me up on evil being very sexy. I'm lookin' at you, Viggo, as the devil. Maybe I'll just sit this one out." - goweli

"Well, 'Good' is supposed to have a better retirement plan, but 'Evil' allows you to enjoy all of the gin, fast wimmen, and rich foods (yea pudding!) you want... I'm gonna go with Team Evil, then make the all important death-bed switch, since word is 'Good' doesn't require a minimum period of employment before vesting in that plan..." - blindgeoff

"It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right." - fictionalsolace

'A side of beef at the moment. *burp*" - jd3000

"Mine, currently. I'm lying on the futon watching a rerun of Scrubs. If I were on somebody else's side, this might be a much more interesting night." - babybokal

"Whichever side promises to stop global warming. Two New Year's Eves that are over forty degrees = NOT COOL. PUN COMPLETELY INTENDED." - elvenpiratelady

"The side of the Mobius strip, of course." - ntlespino

"Whoever has the most sweeties" - spiffington

(I have so much candy in my house now, it's not even funny. Guess you're on my side. -CV)

"I am on the side of goodness, truth, and light, all of which are subject to my interpretation. In my interpretation, goodness is beer ('My goodness, my Guinness!'), truth is wine ('In vino veritas.'), and light is what I need to be able to see my beer and wine." - squeegibo

"The one which has free gin and pudding." - 7 of you. And us too.

Correct Answer: "Anyone's except those jerks in Pod Six." - sushimustwrite

Angels? Devils? All I need to know is that my side comes with gin and pudding, and everyone knows that that's the side you really need. Join us; it's bliiiiissssss.

Hope everyone had a happy New Year, and as always it's great having you all here for yet another year of quizly goodness. Share some of the awesome with your friends; they'll thank you. Truly.

See you all tomorrow, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

Rock On!



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