release 19

Nov 29, 2007 18:05

Time for another release! As usual, if you're looking for something and don't see it yet -- wait a little bit longer. :)

* New virtual gift page
* Lots of new virtual gifts -- and the reappearance of some older ones
* Updating Horizon/Vertigo menus to remove "view" links (the menu headers now link to your profile, friends page, etc)
* Implementing a limit on tags: 1000 maximum tags per journal
* Updating display of the Compose Message page
* New Expressive Winter (formerly Expressive Seasonal) themes
* Consolidating IM search options into "IM Info" in search drop-downs
* Displaying more than one result for IM searches if there are multiple matches
* Enabling email subscriptions for user messaging for everyone
* New adult flagging functionality (more info will be in lj_biz)
* Fixed a bug that caused syndicated feed bios not to update
* Fixed a bug that caused entry pages with lots of comments not to load

I read the comments here, but I can't respond to each one individually.
If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, you can contact our Support Team. Thanks!


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