r5 -- shrimp

Apr 19, 2007 17:58

Welcome to Release #5. This one actually is called Shrimp. (I double-checked to make sure I didn't screw up the naming this time!) And, true to its name, there isn't too much going out in this release.

New Stuff:
* Bringing back the Tell a Friend feature!
* Adding "notify me when (username) is deleted & purged" notification
* Magic AJAXy subscribing to comments on some S2 comment pages
* A "Getting Started" tip for new users (prompts to post, add friends, upload userpics, and fill out their profile)
* New "Embed Media" buttons on the Update Journal page, allowing you to embed video from any provider. Placeholders default to "off" unless you've set your preference at the Viewing Options page

* Layout cleanup of the Login page
* Ad placement adjustments for logged-in Plus users
* Updating text on the Copyright page (policy remains the same)
* Adding "where to go next" links when editing/deleting memories
* Stylistic improvements to the post-email-validation page
* Stylistic improvements to the "did you know" modules

* Notifications for deleted v-gifts no longer throw errors in the Message Center
* Don't display the charity text in the Gift Shop if there's no charity vgift
* Fixing color picker on the Edit Friends page
* Don't display out-of-stock merchandise in the Gift Shop
* Don't let the userpic selector eat LJ user tags
* Fixing moodtheme display problems in 3 Column
* Fixing background image display problems in Generator
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