Mar 25, 2009 13:05
I'm not having any luck finding this in the LJ client protocol docs, so here's me asking: is there a way to update a user profile aside from the website?
I'd like to make a little widget that'll change my blog title so I can use that the same way Facebook and AIM have status text.
client: profile,
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Comments 2
Here's a slightly different approach which might work...
Make an S2 theme layer over in the advanced customization area and then select it as the theme for your default style.
You can use this theme layer to override bits of your selected journal layout. You can then use the S2 upload protocol to programmatically update that layer.
That should give you the building blocks you need to programmatically update a chunk of your journal page. It won't actually change your title, but if you override the right parts of your layout then you could make it appear as though it has, or you could introduce a new box on the page specifically for your status if you prefer.
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