The Style ContestWe've received a lot of great feedback regarding the style contest and how LiveJournal users can participate. I'd like to take a moment to clarify the details of the contest and what updates we've made to make it easier for you to participate.
If you're familiar with
CSS Zen Garden, you'll notice that this contest is structured in very much the same way. We've provided a set of
HTML pages that include all the classes and IDs you'll need to work your CSS magic.
We ask that you not make changes to the HTML files. If there's a feature that doesn't exist in the HTML template but is something someone might include, you're welcome to style it anyway.
There are seven categories that participants can enter in, up to 3 designs can be submitted per category, with a maximum of 10 overall. The categories are:
- Entertainment and Media
- Hobbies and Crafts
- Home and Family
- News, Politics and Current Events
- Technology
- The Kitchen Sink (everything that falls outside these categories)
One Grand Prize winner will be awarded $4000 in cash, an Adobe Web Bundle compliments of
Adobe, and a free copy of Style Master compliments of
Westciv In addition, each category winner will be awarded $1000 in cash, their choice of one Adobe point product (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks), and a free copy of Style Master.
Every qualified contestant wins too! All qualified entrants will receive a limited time discount at the Adobe store for $50 off any purchase of at least $350 and a 25% discount on a purchase of Westciv's Style Master.
All winners will be promoted on Six Apart's website and have their styles featured on LiveJournal, Typepad, and Movable Type.
If you have any comments or to learn more about the style contest, please visit
The Style Contest homepage.