More information on Friends feed, plus paid account information.

Oct 31, 2012 18:07

This post is to provide some additional information on further updates that are yet to be made to the new Friends page feed, several of which address the biggest points of concern that have been expressed. I'm sorry that this 'what's yet to come' information wasn't in the post here yesterday, but we wanted to follow-up as quickly as we could to give you this information.

The first part of the bullet list, with the (~) notation, are the major updates that will be made while the new feed page is still in the beta phase. The rest of the items in the list are some of the other features which will be added, but may not happen until after the beta phase has ended.

Changes yet to be made to the feed page:
  • (~) Infinite scroll will be able to be turned off. If you turn off infinite scroll, the feed will have regular pagination as it does now.
  • (~) Customization options will be provided to allow you to configure the look and feel of the feed. This will include at least text size and background images.
  • (~) Commenting will be allowed directly from the feed page. (You will not have to load a separate page to leave a comment unless you want to.)
  • (~) There will be a more device-friendly version of the feed available for viewers using mobile devices, netbooks, and so on.
  • The author of an entry will be able to select several comments that can be displayed along with the entry when it is viewed in friends feeds.
  • The latest entries page will be added as an available option from the filter dialog.
Then, one note unrelated to the Friends feed, I noticed a lot of concern in the comments to news and lj_releases yesterday about comments that were made in the Russian news posts. Some comments by staff members there were being auto-translated as saying we would be 'canceling paid accounts next year'. The Russian terms used in these comments were being translated as the English word 'cancel', which of course has a specific negative meaning (to take away something that someone already possesses, etc).

That is not what will be happening -- no accounts will be canceled or revoked, no already-purchased paid time or paid features will be lost or anything like that. What is happening, is that we will be making some changes to the existing account structure next year. That is what these comments were referring to. This will involve changing things so users have a standard LiveJournal account to which they then can add the paid/extra features that they want separately (or feature packages/sets). The concept of buying something that's called a "paid account" is what will be removed -- extra features will be done as add-ons and add-on packages. Existing paid or permanent accounts at that time will be treated as premium/elite accounts that will have access to even more features than exist right now.

Anyway. I just wanted to be sure to address that as well, as I know a lot of people were concerned about seeing those comments. Thanks!
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