Release #94

Jul 12, 2012 12:44

Release #94 is live!

New Features:
  • Poll creation is now open to all users, regardless of account type.
  • Cyrillic users now see "This entry was promoted in Promo" when a promo entry is recommended.
  • Mobile site readers now have "Prev Entry / Next Entry" buttons when viewing entries.
  • You can now log in via XML-RPC with an identity account.

Bug Fixes:
  • In S2 comment page styles, collapsed threads correctly show subject lines again. [LJSV-2114] (Note: this was actually fixed in r93 but never announced.)
  • In S2 comment page styles, your local time -- not UTC -- is now shown if you have set a time zone. [LJSV-2169]
  • " Fast Repost" entries on a friends page should now always show the username of who re-posted the entry, regardless of what style you're using. [LJSV-2292] Please let us know if you see any style where this information is not shown.
  • Pingback Bot now gives pingbacks for "fast repost" entries.
  • Added date and username of purchasing account to order confirmation emails. [LJSV-2236]
  • If you have selected "Show CAPTCHA to nobody", anonymous users will now be able to comment without going through the CAPTCHA process.
  • Community mass-emails now show the community name instead of "LiveJournal" as the sender.
  • Optimizations were made to the scripts that display comments on the S1/"new" comment page.
  • Users should no longer be redirected to a login page when viewing a public entry. [LJSV-2128]

Reported Issues:
  • Embed button is missing from Rich Text Editor [LJSV-2319]
  • On site scheme comment forms, can only select userpics with 1 keyword [LJSV-2320]
  • Userpics on site scheme comment forms listed in "random" (not alphabetical) order [LJSV-1979]
  • No page footer at the bottom of site scheme entry pages [LJSV-2321]
  • Bold/italic/underline buttons in RTE cause problems in Chrome [LJSV-2097]
  • Cannot change a single photo's gallery [LJSV-2323]
  • Cannot copy/paste from rich text source to RTE (Chrome/Safari) [LJSV-2324]
(last edited 4:45pm CDT, and I'll be afk for the evening, so check comments if you have an issue that isn't listed here!)


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