Sherlock Fic: I Threw Us Into the Flames (2/2)

Mar 23, 2011 15:30

Title: I Threw Us Into the Flames
Author: lizzledpink
Rating: R
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Warning: murder for pleasure, slight bloodkink, general fucked-uppery (etc)
Summary: He makes bodies, and Sherlock tries to figure out who put them there, so John thinks they're more or less meant to be.

One day, you kill a young man... )

character: john watson, pairing: john/sherlock, character: sherlock holmes, rating: r, fandom: sherlock

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Comments 22

s0mmerspr0ssen March 23 2011, 20:33:07 UTC
Do you know how often I came back here to check for an update? And now it's here and it amazing, deliciously dark and the ending - mmmm. Exactly what I needed tonight, some dirty, dark, disgusting, fucked-up John and Sherlock kill people kind of fic.
I very much enjoyed this. I think you did very well regarding the weird wires in John's head in this verse and Sherlock's reaction when he finally unravels the mystery is perfectly crazy. <3 Hmmm, the cutting the cheek... nice.
Thank you, you write in his hair, my beloved friend.


lillyankh March 23 2011, 20:46:20 UTC
I don't think I will be very coherent for this.


Yep. Right. Ok. Um. There are probably words. Stunning would be one. Staggering. Beautiful. Amazing. Perfect. All these and more.

I love you.


heqakheperre March 24 2011, 00:25:02 UTC
I do like a good John-and-Sherlock-as-killers story. :D

something slanted and diagonal from the usual

That is a brilliant turn of phrase.


fantasysci5 March 24 2011, 05:50:10 UTC
Argh! Awesome ending, loved that Sherlock found out and poor Lestrade! *squees*


twisty_ties March 25 2011, 03:44:44 UTC

(Pardon me, I can't speak with my jaw on the floor.)

Whut. The. Whut. John. Moriarty. Sherlock. You killed off Lestrade, you bastard.

Chilling story, love. Wonderful. <3


damnednforsaken April 2 2011, 03:42:59 UTC
I am going to second this comment X 10000000000000.

That is all.


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