WC Fic: Domesticity is Undervalued (1/1)

Dec 09, 2010 11:05

Title: Domesticity is Undervalued
Author: lizzledpink 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Neal/El
Summary: Peter knows Neal's going to leave. The question is whether he'll come back.

It wasn't a ceremony... )

fandom: white collar, character: elizabeth burke, pairing: neal/peter/el, character: peter burke, fanfiction, character: neal caffrey, rating: pg-13

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Comments 18

scifiangel December 9 2010, 20:45:55 UTC
I would love to read this, but you have some major "code failure" going on making it impossible. You need to check into it. Good luck and let me know when it's fixed, so I can read it.


lizzledpink December 9 2010, 21:00:24 UTC
Eep, MAJOR code failure! SORRY! :D It should be all fixed up now!


scifiangel December 9 2010, 21:31:22 UTC
Sad and sweet and brilliant!


lizzledpink December 9 2010, 21:45:33 UTC
Aww, thanks! (And thanks again for pointing out my epic code fail!) :D


scifiangel December 9 2010, 21:52:36 UTC
You're welcome, sweetie.


collarchick December 9 2010, 21:42:47 UTC
Ahhhh... so sweet. I love shy!Neal :)


lizzledpink December 9 2010, 21:46:33 UTC
Me too. <3 Thank you so much!


(The comment has been removed)

lizzledpink December 9 2010, 22:34:47 UTC
OH MY GOD YOUR ICON! I've never seen that image before! /hugs/ AWESOME!

Thank you! :)


china_shop December 9 2010, 22:36:55 UTC
Awww! *smooshes them all* This is lovely. The turkey sandwich made me grin with glee. :-D


lizzledpink December 9 2010, 22:41:42 UTC
Thank you so much! (Tragically, turkey sandwich was the original prompter's idea, not mine, but nevertheless! :D)


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