Beta Request!

Aug 04, 2010 21:02

So I'm a bit stuck on my epic Jadis!fic of awesome. It describes her childhood on Charn and goes up to the part in The Magician's Nephew where she meets Uncle Andrew ( Read more... )

narnia, oh dear lord, awesome shit, stories

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Comments 6

animus_wyrmis August 6 2010, 03:48:26 UTC

Talk to me about this fic! Where are you stalled? What do you need?


lizzie_marie_23 August 6 2010, 11:46:54 UTC
So the original prompt was asking for more exploration of Edmund/Jadis and Rillian/LotGK. So I decided to go ALL the way back to the beginning to explain why she always goes for the little boys to get her power. So most of this fic so far is about her growing up and falling in love and learning magic. Somewhere along the way I decided to tell a condensed version of her entire life and show how she picks up little traits or powers that help her do something in the next book. For example, she takes one of the forbidden apples out of the garden in TMN and later uses that to make the enchanted Turkish Delight ( ... )


animus_wyrmis August 6 2010, 17:27:23 UTC
UM I THINK THIS IS FANTASTIC. Jadis! JADIS AS A KID OH GOD. And I like the idea that she grows and learns and keeps things. <3

I could totally look at it for you! incessantwyrm [at] gmail [dot] com.


caramelsilver August 8 2010, 21:26:24 UTC
Two things:

ONE: Your icon is simply awesome and yummy.

TWO: You can always send it to me whenever you want. But you know that=)


lizzie_marie_23 August 8 2010, 21:33:09 UTC
ONE: Isn't it, though? zempasuchil made it.

TWO: But I want it to be a surprise for you, even though you aren't the prompter.

THREE: I'm so glad you're back! Did you have fun? Did you get my letter? (Okay, that was three things in one, but the point still stands)


caramelsilver August 8 2010, 21:36:46 UTC
ONE: Props to zempasuchil, cause that's an awesome icon.

TWO: I am completely okay with that. I'm so looking forward to reading the finished result.


a) I had so much fun! I will tell you more later, cause now I'm so tired I can barely keep my head on straight.

b) I did. Haven't read it yet, cause... Well tired. Need to concentrate and I don't want to ruin it by reading it when I'm not completely there. But the pictures are adorable!!


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