
Feb 20, 2010 16:17

I'm in a funny mood
Yesterday, my teacher reminded me of an assignment I completely forgot about. I was supposed to go to a meeting with my adviser on the extended essay, but it totally slipped my mind. And then she asked me "Are you okay? Are you losing it?" I'm pretty sure I said yes, and I feel like I have been losing it for a few months. I ( Read more... )

oh dear lord, aargh, real life, school stuff

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Comments 6

katakokk February 20 2010, 22:29:08 UTC
That sounds like such an interesting essay to write!

But you know what, it'll be okay, with the whole slightly losing it deal. Everyone has those days where we can't seem to think straight, but they always get better! *hugs* ♥


lizzie_marie_23 February 20 2010, 22:56:51 UTC
The essay was really fun to write, especially since there was enough time for us to take breaks. And this weekend I get to revise it and make it pretty.

I'm feeling alot less messed up in my mind than I was earlier. Thanks so much :)


samueljames February 21 2010, 00:06:35 UTC
Welcome back. Hopefully you can split your time evenly so you're not too tempted by lj. Make a big to do list and once school is over have fun getting rid of your notes/papers.

I hope you're not too stressed. Seriously stuff that seems huge now will become less important over time. If it's really getting to you then it's probably best you answered her honestly.

I'm glad you have some good stuff going on too. I'm a little late with your fic (thanks to a strep throat) but hopefully it won't be much longer.


lizzie_marie_23 February 21 2010, 02:02:56 UTC
I've been doing better, except for those few projects I missed, so this weekend is for catching up on those. It will definitely be fun to burn my old papers. Although some of them are actually really cool and I'll keep them.

Fic! Goody! To be honest, I almost forgot you were working on one for me, so I'll be excited to see it. Also, I've been working on one that was inspired by our conversations about Kirk/Pike. When I'm done with it would you like to beta it?


samueljames February 21 2010, 02:16:00 UTC
Maybe I shouldn't have reminded you *g*

I would be able to beta if I have a couple of days notice that it's on the way. I beta for two other people and I have an assignment due on March 11th so it helps me organise my time.


nuyorkmoonlight February 21 2010, 06:04:18 UTC
That sounds interesting


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