
Jan 11, 2010 00:34

I'm awake and shouldn't be, I know I have things I should be doing, but I can't function well enough to make them happen so I'm hitting refresh on my friends page in the hopes that I'll see something interesting. Actually, I have had several interesting conversations with other insomniacs but I can't sleep... I'll try though. Pray for my sanity ( Read more... )

oh dear lord, aargh

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Comments 3

zempasuchil January 11 2010, 21:56:19 UTC
This = my life during plenty of college. Kinda like last night too! I was like, Gotta study for quiz! Too tired! LJ time now! refresh refresh refresh.

Anyway, I hope you got sleep and aren't too tired today. that is the worst part about staying up doing nothing.


lizzie_marie_23 January 12 2010, 00:20:56 UTC
I did alright today, actually. No one was really asking us to do much so I was able to catch a few catnaps. Thank you for being the kind of person who also stays up late so I have someone to comment with :)


zempasuchil January 12 2010, 01:12:22 UTC
I will always be that kind of person XD I can't be on gchat these days because of too-slow internet but lj bears the brunt of my insomnia.


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