Taking a break for my health

Oct 03, 2009 22:38

My life is going crazily lately. I just got my extended essay back and it turns out that it sucks balls. It's my own fault really, because I did nearly nothing during the school year so it was  unreasonable to expect my adviser to look at my essay over the summer. Still, I thought I did it good, but it's disorganized and stuff. So I need to take a ( Read more... )

farewell, oh dear lord

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Comments 2

zempasuchil October 4 2009, 06:04:57 UTC
:( I hope things get better! I know you can totally kick butt on your extended essay, even if it takes a lot of work <3 taking breaks from lj is sometimes totally necessary, more power to you for having the strength to resist. rock on <3


Marry me, bitch gaystranger October 4 2009, 23:24:40 UTC
And i stop saying you're a fat ugly bitch.


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