Under a Shadowed Sky Masterpost

Oct 06, 2010 20:14

Under a Shadowed Sky

In the ruins on a gray Earth, Sam and Kara face the truth that the gods aren't finished with either of them yet. While the Fleet crumbles under the dark weight of despair, some find hope in new wonders, as the gods bring the humans and cylons to their final destiny.

Rating: Mature
Spoilers: thru Daybreak
Pairings: Kara/Sam, Dee/Lee (with other canon ships in the background)
Characters: everybody, but especially Kara, Sam, Dee, Lee, the Agathons, Tyrol, Tory, Cylons, Adama, etc.
Warnings: This is an AU of 4.5. The only thing I will assure you does NOT happen is rape. Everything else is fair game. It's BSG.
Wordcount: ~60,000

Author's Note: The first short draft of this was scribbled back for the twelvecolonies long fic challenge last year and was my attempt to create a true-to-BSG version of a cracky premise. Now expanded and remade for bsg_bigbang. I couldn't have done it without sabaceanbabe who not only beta'd for me, but did art! And also lucyparavel who beta'd and suffered greatly as I whined about it. Thank you, ladies! (and any remaining mistakes were entirely me either not taking their smart advice or reintroducing the same mistakes)

Go tell sabaceanbabe how beautiful it is and see more over at her place!

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

The story is also posted on archiveofourown.org (AO3). There, you can read the whole thing as one file and even download it in several different formats to read offline.

Link to the story at AO3

But please, if you do read it elsewhere, come back and leave a comment. It really does mean a lot, especially when it's the Dreaded Wingfic and it's really long - I'd love to know people enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading!

2010 fic, kara-anders is awesome, bsg: shadowed sky, fic, bsg fic

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