Title: Lacrimosa (pt 6B/?)
lizadork Fandoms: Dark Angel, Supernatural
Rating: Uh... pg-13? There's swearing.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Alec, Ben, Icarus
Summary: Sam would also appreciate a teeny, tiny clone, tyvm.
This Chapter: Long journeys bring more questions.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I would be cuddling with them right now, not posting on the
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Comments 30
I loved Dean's assessment of Icarus, that he can tell that Icarus isn't showing them his real self yet. Or not all of his real self. I'm glad that Kezia said she could help Icarus. She's an interesting one... with a lot about her unsaid. Imagine being so worn down...
Can't wait to see her meet Icarus.
this was amazing! I loved the chance to see all of the boys. And, as always, wanted to hug the stuffing out of them.
Thanks so much for continuing to share these wonderful stories with us. :)
I am off to go re-read it. Until next time, take care and Happy Writing!!
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