GOTV: Best Celebrity Ad Ever, or GREATESTCelebrity Ad Ever?

Oct 01, 2008 15:48

snurched from ontd_political

A little reminder to not just go out and vote, but to also register to vote. The deadline is closing fast. Depending on your state, you may only have mere days to get it done, or a couple of weeks.

Really, it's a rather clever PSA.

image Click to view

Aside from the Google Maps portal cited in the PSA, which will give you the rules and regs applicable to your home state for voter registration, here are a few more sites you should check out:

The National Secretaries of State has a database that'll link you right to your home state to figure out the voting rules and regs.

You can also register to vote online via Roll Call.

The American Democracy Institute allows you to find out if you are registered to vote. You may scoff, but don't assume you are. Some states are "purging" voter lists and you may show up at the polls to find out that you're SoL.

Also, Obama for America also has a online voter registration check.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to crawl back into bed and take a long nap. Again. This headcold is the suxX0rs.
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