Fic: The Pebbles Forgive Me | Juno (movie) | J&V | PG

Jan 10, 2008 16:44

Written for the femslash100 Challenge #135 - Orange

Title: The Pebbles Forgive Me
Author: liz_estrada
Prompt & Word Count: #135 - orange ; 246 words
Fandom: Juno (the movie)
Summary: Set six years after The Moldy Peaches ending. This will likely make no sense if you haven’t seen the movie.


It ends after college, when Paulie grows up, takes a job in Omaha and marries someone uncomplicated.

She considers giving up, giving in, but the sadness passes. As with many endings, a beginning follows.

She finds the Wheeling (not Loring) family through Bren, who has covertly kept in touch.

Vanessa hasn’t remarried. Forty-two and still nearly perfect, her life is clean and complete with career and child. She’s frightened to find Juno McGuff on her doorstep. Kindness and eternal gratitude make it impossible to turn her away.

The boy is small, manic, verbal. Juno was expecting long-legged introversion. He loves sharing his favorite candy: orange Tic Tacs. The flavor, the smell of them on his breath, on Vanessa’s breath, takes Juno back to the basement, the chair, the first beginning she hoped would never end.

The visit runs late and Vanessa offers a guest room, then retires to her home office. When a lost and silent Juno enters past midnight, straddles her lap and offers her tangy orange mouth, Vanessa is frightened. Loneliness and eternal gratitude make it impossible to turn her away. She sets aside papers and glasses, and holds on for dear life.

The Eames lounge chair is second-hand, but it’s a quality piece and Vanessa appreciates sturdy character. Juno likes it, too; rock-solid frame, buttery leather against her knees.

She’s glad she didn’t give up before realizing there are other chairs, other beginnings. Endings are for another time, after the sweetness fades away.


juno, fic

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