Title: So there’s a Doctor, a police box, and a beach
Word count: 1,137
Series: Doctor Who/Kingdom Hearts
Notes: Happy slightly belated birthday,
lettersandliars this will probably get expanded into a full, and completely ridiculous fic, but I didn’t want to wait too long getting it to you for your b-day. ALSO never stated, but totally implied this is the 11th Doctor
It has been exactly fifteen minutes and thirty seconds since Sora disappeared inside the blue box. Riku decides to give him another four minutes and some change before he goes barging through the door to drag him out. He tries to keep from tapping his feet or pacing or glaring too hard at anything in particular; he doesn’t trust this man, this Doctor and no way is he revealing how nervous he feels. After all, anyone who can’t offer their name and chose to go by a profession, a profession they quite obviously don’t even practice, is bad news in Riku’s book.
Kairi is standing just a ways off, talking to the stranger, the Doctor (and no, Riku will never stop sneering every time he so much as thought of the title) and smiling her polite smile. Riku doesn’t hold it against her though; she’s nearly as bad as Sora about making friends with everyone who isn’t trying to run them through (and then some). He is attempting, however, a rather impressive eavesdropping job without letting so much as an inkling of interest pass his face. The Doctor makes some comment, more to himself than anything, about having another ginger and what a bother they tended to be but he flashed Kairi a dopey smile, like they were already best friends and not new acquaintances.
Perhaps, Riku realizes feeling a little unsettled; the Doctor is just as bad as Kairi and Sora about making friends too… He tries to think of some suave way to interject himself into their conversation, they have enough problems without being concerned about mysterious men with materializing boxes, when Sora pokes his head out the door.
“Guys.” He says gravely, as if he’s about to announce the end of the world, “it’s bigger on the inside.”
Kairi gives a quizzical expression before walking a short circle around the box. Riku remains unimpressed. “He travels the universe with talking animals, one of which has turned him into a half dolphin, a vampire, and a lion cub. He’s met Santa and he’s impressed because it’s bigger on the inside.”
It’s only then that he realizes the insult he’s just delivered and one glance at the Doctor’s dark expression confirms it: solid blow to the ego. The man makes an unpleasant expression at Riku, something he decodes as you are an obnoxious little bugger. To which Riku replies with a shrug what’re you going to do about it? and he may be wrong, but it looks like the Doctor says this is why I hate boys but that can’t be right and is just kind of creepy.
“Riku! You’ve got to come see this, there’s a library and a pool back here!” Kairi’s voice is echoing weirdly from inside, which means it really is bigger in there, but he’s still not impressed.
“You live on an island, we have the ocean and you’re impressed by a pool?” Okay, now he’s just being mean because the Doctor seems prone to dramatics. “Tell me, Doctor, what's with you and the box?"
This seems to ease some of the earlier prickliness he’s caused, and the Doctor beams. “Why, I’m a Time Lord, of course.”
“A Time Lord?” Riku tries not to think of creepy men in black coats and the various titles they toted around.
“Last of, to be precise.”
“What’s that entail?”
The Doctor pats the side of his box affectionately. “The TARDIS, she’s my ship- and I travel through time and space.” He pauses, grinning widely and clearly pleased with himself.
Ever the buzz-kill, Riku asks “why?”
“What do you mean why? I’m a TIME. LORD. It’s what I do.”
Somewhere in the course of the exchange, Kairi had poked her head back out and now posed an all important question. “What about world borders?”
The Doctor gives her an indulgent smile, turns back to Riku and says, “gingers. Always on top of things, I can’t understand it.” And Riku is thinking perhaps it’s time Kairi started wearing a hat.
“Who do you think put the borders in place? It’s not like I go flouting my ability to be generally more amazing than the masses” (here, Riku snorts because it seems to him that’s exactly what the Doctor does, or maybe he’s just excited to have people who can understand the whole concept of space travel but no. Riku is resigned to dislike this man) “The secret is not trying too hard to fit in. That just makes you more suspicious, see?”
There’s a lull in the conversation as all parties involved absorb the new-comer’s words. “Time and space. We can only do the second,” Sora gives the Doctor a questioning look, “are there any rules? Like, stay on the path and don’t kill that butterfly or else you’ll upset all of everything?”
The Doctor laughs at this, seeming genuinely amused by the notion. “Hardly, the fascinating thing about time is it can be re-written, except for a few sticky places that must happen as they have, of course.” He regards them all with a sly look, “you lot wouldn’t fancy a trip with me, would you?”
“We can’t,” Riku says before Sora and Kairi can finish smiling, “we have a mission from the king,” he reminds his friends.
They look a little crest-fallen and now he does feel bad about being the killjoy, but they all know their duties. The Doctor laughs at them again, “bit slow on the uptake, isn’t he? I’m a Time Lord. As in I can bring you back to this exact moment,” then he pauses and considers, “more or less. At least, sometimes it seems to work better than others,” he casts a suspicious glance behind him, at the TARDIS as if she does this on purpose and they both know it.
It’s like dealing with children, when Sora and Kairi get so excited like this and it may be Riku’s imagination but it does look like Sora is wiggling with barely retrained joy like a puppy. He sighs, rubs the bridge of his nose and feels eons older than he should and says “Fine, but you have to swear to bring back to this exact second, no if, ands, or buts about it.”
The Doctor smiles wide, also looking shamelessly like a little kid and says “cross my hearts!” before ushering them inside his ship (and oh, wow. It really is a lot bigger on the inside, damn).
“Lady and gentlemen, welcome to the TARDIS, and hang tight.” He flips some knobs and twirls some wheels and at one part a piece of toast pops out and there’s a slightly disconcerting whirling noise that will probably follow Riku in his dreams for a lifetime, and just like that, Destiny Islands is falling away beneath them.
part two