Down By River

May 19, 2010 21:02

Title: Down By the River, originally written for the themusecafe, challenge 37 [vacation]
Word Count: 511
Notes: First entry ever not about Autumn, rejoice, or be afraid.

Elidi rummaged around in her pocket, gathering her Focus as she felt around the depths. RTime, she reminded herself, I need time. What she came back with, was an hour glass. She gave it a brief look of distaste.

"Will, how many hours do you think it takes an apple tree to grow?"

Will, for his part, managed to look only a little confused. "Dare I ask why you're inquiring?" He was seated a safe distance from any object Elidi might decide to throw at him, and sharping a long stick with a cruel looking knife.

"I'm hungry," and Elidi did not care that her tone was completely unbecoming of royalty, "and someone," she shot Will a dark look, "neglected to pack any food for this little outing."

He merely grinned in response, eyed the now pointy stick critically. "This doesn't answer my question, Princess."

Not liking the feeling of being patronized in the least, Elidi made a great show of straightening her skirts. "I'm feeling a little peckish," she repeated in a significantly more dignified voice, "and so thought to cast a little time spell to encourage the lone apple I've managed to scrounge into becoming a tree full."

She held the hour glass up, as exhibit a. "A calender would be infinitely more helpful, but this was the only thing I could locate. So I repeat: how many hours do you think it would take an apple tree to grow?"

Will took a minute to look about thoughtfully. "Aren't you under strict orders from Lady Aarwyn not to be magicking about?"

The tiny shred of civility Elidi had been building these past few months snapped. "She said not to study this is practical application, now give me a time frame or so help me I'll conjure a storm upon your head!" In retrospect, the foot stomp might have been a bit overkill.

"Or, I could skip the headache we'd both acquire trying to figure out asinine details such as that, and provide food instead." He moved backwards, towards the river, and with one swift flick, threw his pointy stick into the water. Once retrieved, Will held up a flopping fish pinned through the sharp end.

It was hard not to be a little impressed with that. "Well, aren't you fancy." Which was Elidi term for thank you, dear gods, I can has foods.

Will set about starting a fire, during which Elidi felt completely useless. For one wild moment she wondered why town people bothered dealing with royalty at all, when they were all so much more equipped to take care of themselves.

"Do you think you'll trust me, next time I offer to take you someplace for a break?" Will asked as he handed half the now cooked fish over.

Elidi pretended to consider it for a moment. Truly, she had never not trusted Will, but this was one of those facts she intended to keep to herself, least he decide to blackmail her later.

"I suppose," she conceded, helpless to stop the smile spreading across her face.

original character: elidi, comm: themusecafe, original character: will, challenge, original fiction: the princess tower

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