Tainted Window

Apr 26, 2010 00:05

title: Tainted Window, originally written for kh_drabble challenge 224, sublunar
word count: 184
characters: Saix (implied), Kairi
rating: PG

She likes to imagine she's safe, back on the island where everything smells like ocean and sun. This is a constant world of warmth, so far removed from cold halls and the cloying scent of nothing.

Even the moon, hanging full and round outside her window served as a reminder that the danger is past, lost now to nightmares and bedtime stories.

Except for the nights when she wakes, shivering and sweating, to the figure staring down her bed; locked inside the tiny swatch of moonlight spilling across her floor.

"Go away," Kairi's tone is not angry, not scared, only weary.

He ignored her request as always. "You could have saved me."

"I tried," she argues weakly, padding across the room to stand in front of him.

He's not entirely here, flickering at the edges as clouds crawl across her moon.

"No," he says, "you pretended, you played my games well, but you did not truly attempt." He presses a phantom hand against her chest until the both become aware of the steady beat residing within, "you never gave me your heart."

He's gone on a breath, leaving Kairi cold and alone with nothing but moonlight.

character: saix, comm: kh_drabble, challenge, drabble, character: kairi, series: kingdom hearts

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