I only got 2 questions last time I asked, but I guess considering how many people read my posts compared to
Maureen Johnson,
John Green or
alanlastufka I should be happy I got any questions at all. :-p I'm gonna ask y'all again to leave some questions in the comments again so that I can answer them in the blogs to come.
slowtrain asked "What do you look for in a book? What sorts of things would influence you to pick up a new book and start reading?"
I don't know if I have specific things that I look for. Most of the books in my library (if you can really call it that) are either part of a series or by the same author. The two biggest groups are books by Ted Dekker and books in the Left Behind series (minus the teen series and plus the military and political spin-offs...which I wish hadn't been discontinued after only 3 each b/c the stories were better in my opinion). Other than those I have a varied collection that includes like 3 or 4 comic books, some C.S. Lewis (fiction and non-fiction), 2 of 7 Harry Potter books, and All the Pretty Horses (which is really more manly than it sounds...as is Watership Down, a book about "bunnies" :-p).
I guess the biggest influence on what books I decide to pick up is recommendations from friends and family. I started the Left Behind series b/c of my mom and we got hooked together. I also read Blue Like Jazz and have started The Shack because of multiple recommendations from friends who raved about them even though I at first they were just caught up in the hype of a new trend. If there is a book like that I usually try to wait til the hype dies a little and then see if it stands up as a good read on it's on, which has been true with both of those.
My newest source of book recommendations is YouTube/Nerdfighters. That is how I found out about John Green and his hit
Paper Towns and then subsequently his other 2 books (Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines), as well as Maureen Johnson (who inspired this blog everday in April thing). I have yet to read Maureen's stuff, but I just pre-ordered
Suite Scartlett and bought 13 Little Blue Envelopes as well as
Let It Snow which she co-authored with John Green and Lauren Myracle (I'd link all of these with the easy to remember tinyurl's but I think they all link to Amazon.com which is experiencing a bit of a boycott over a
recent decision). I think I was more influenced to read Maureen's stuff through getting to know her by way of twitter, other Nerdfighters, and her blogs (which are always hilarious to read), which is something I like about this day in age...that we have ways of knowing these authors beyond just their writing (but I won't expand on that b/c I think I already did in a previous blog).
I could probably talk more about books I like, but this about sums it up, plus I'm already late for getting this in on the right day (d'oh!). Hope this answers the question well enough. How about you? What influences you to pick up a book? Who are your favorite authors?
Also, don't forget to leave a question below!
Today was awesome because He is risen (He is indeed!), and the choir did a pretty good job this morning for the Easter special, if I do say so myself (though I guess I'm not an objective source ;-)). Hope your Easter was great for whatever reason.