theres music burner here dear!!jbyearnssexFebruary 19 2005, 15:22:37 UTC
i can burn u whatever!!
tell me what u want or need and I can search to see what is available and what I might have!...k babe....were u able to read the last journal entry I put in babe?
Anyways Im commenting, hope u were able to read it:)
Re: theres music burner here dear!!livetodanceFebruary 20 2005, 00:32:36 UTC
More music is always a ++++! Anything and everything well, excluding country, not a big fan of that. Make me a cd entitled jbyearssex mix, haha, that'd be funny. Anyhow thanx for commenting toots! Nubb nubb!
Awww, you werent really going to get me anything were you? If you were, then well I'm not giving you my address, cause if you get me anything, either you're coming up here to give it to me in person, or I'll come there. Gotta check out your place, and you'll have to show me around, lol, B'ton. Anyhow, hope to see you soon toots! Go go gadget hugs!
heeeyyyy Rhiannon!!!!! ^^ interesting music. and uh yea, i have a burner, u should know, list me some music, i'll burn shtuffs for ya, anything for the Rhi lol. yeeeaaa, i bet ur guna "cum" to bed lol, uuuuhuh, so yea, lol, have fun ^^ laters.
Deeeee'Ruuuuby!:). Haha yeah, might not be your cup o/tea, been in an industrial sorta mood lately, that's all I use to listen to back in the day, cant forget zeh roots, hehe. As far as burning me music, that's cool, anything that's on my wish list is cool, just nab the songs from the albums, tis listed. Yeah, haha, no cumming to bed last night, still havent gotten my joy toy yet:(, but you know me, tis perverse mind I have on this end:D. Anyhow I'mma skeedaddle on outta dis piece nukka! <3
Comments 6
tell me what u want or need and I can search to see what is available and what I might have!...k babe....were u able to read the last journal entry I put in babe?
Anyways Im commenting, hope u were able to read it:)
----<3 Dee' Ruby
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