Offered: Fanfic

Jun 29, 2008 00:21

Offer: I'm offering fanfiction of at least 2000 words in one of the following fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Final Fantasy VII (which can include Advent Children, Last Order or Crisis Core), Kingdom Hearts (1, 2 or Chain of Memories), medieval literature, Celtic mythology, or European folk and fairy tales. Any rating, any pairing, gen, het, slash or ( Read more... )

other: medieval literature, other: mythology, seller: sister_coyote, other: fairy tales, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, game: kingdom hearts series, offered: fanfic, game: final fantasy vii

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Comments 17

rymenhild June 30 2008, 08:56:05 UTC
I was flipping through livelongnmarry and saw you here. I know from the Yuletide NYR I wrote that you enjoy medieval fanfiction. I feel the world always needs more medieval fanfiction. If I bid, would you be interested in trying your hand at Mabinogion, Irish legendary material, or something else medieval?


sister_coyote June 30 2008, 16:04:55 UTC
Sure! I'm pretty comfortable with the Mabinogion and the Ulster Cycle, as well as Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. I could also take a stab at anything from Chaucer, or the Arthurian cycle, with relative comfort. I'd be happy to give most European medieval literature/folklore stuff a try, with the caveat that I might have to brush up on the source material for things I'm less immediately familiar with.


rymenhild July 1 2008, 00:08:09 UTC


rymenhild July 1 2008, 08:08:22 UTC
I bid $5 for a Mabinogion story. Gwydion/Gilfaethwy, some female pair of your choice, or, well, really anything you want to write would be great. :D


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rymenhild July 1 2008, 15:38:01 UTC


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sister_coyote July 1 2008, 14:40:52 UTC
I'm reasonably comfortable with Njals Saga and Egils Saga, so I'd say a yea to that, but a nay to any of the others, since I don't know them well enough to do right by them. :)


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