Jun 27, 2008 19:14

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 1000 words in the following fandoms: CSI (Las Vegas only), The Sentinel, Blood Ties (book, tv show or a combination of the two universes). I am open to suggestions for crossovers of any of these, or crossovers of any of these with Methos from Highlander. I prefer to write pron and especially kink, but ( Read more... )

tv: blood ties, tv: csi las vegas, tv: the sentinel, book: blood ties, seller: elmyraemilie, offered: fanfic

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Comments 4

(The comment has been removed)

elmyraemilie July 1 2008, 20:38:32 UTC
Woo-hoo! Thanks for bidding!

With all the hundreds of offers here, this is going to make quite a bucket of money for the cause.


(The comment has been removed)

elmyraemilie July 4 2008, 12:39:31 UTC
Did you see the totals? If all the bids stay as they are and the buy-it-nows are added in, it's over $20,000. Wow.


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