Offered: Fanfic SOLD!

Jun 26, 2008 17:45

Offer: I will write fanfiction set in either the Harry Potter or Pet Shop of Horrors fandom of at least 5,000 words, and likely more. I will write your choice of Het, Slash or Gen and will accommodate your choice of characters and ships (although you might want to bear in mind that my usual work is very Snape-centric for Harry Potter and very Leon/Count D-centric for PSoH). Regardless of which characters you'd like to see featured, I'll do my best to make it work! I don't do BDSM, heavy kink, extreme violence or Darkfic, but beyond that, you're free to request what you'd like: angst, romance, PWP, character study. If you'd like examples of my work that indicate my style, strengths and weaknesses, please check out my story master list or my drabble master list.

Once you have received your copy, I reserve the right to post the resulting story on my journal and at the archives of my choice, with credit to you, the buyer, as well as credit to the cause. I will e-mail you the story and will also post a copy upon request. I would ask that you please not post the story without my permission, although linking to the story is just fine.

Contact: bluestocking79 AT gmail DOT com

Delivery: by 1st November 2008, at the very latest.

Minimum bid: $10

Bidding currently stands at $40. SOLD!

seller: bluestocking79, anime or manga: petshop of horrors, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic

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